Batch technology is responsible for several automatic processes exclusive to O4, such as performing Tile updates and emailing Scheduled Reports. This article will explain the Batch Services, Batch Jobs, and Job Administration pages in O4.
- Users must have Admin access to Software to view and manage these features.
Locating Batch Services, Batch Jobs, & Job Administration
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Configuration from the drop-down list.
3. The Configuration page will appear.
4. Click the Jobs menu, then select one of the following drop-down options: Batch Services, Batch Jobs, or Job Administration.
- To learn about Batch Services, continue to the next section of this article.
- To learn about Batch Jobs, skip to this section of the article.
- To learn about Job Administration, skip to this section of the article.
O4 Batch Services
Each installation of OASIS contains a full implementation of the OASIS batch service that will become active anytime OASIS is started. This process cannot be stopped, but can be disabled. O4 can be used to start the batch service anytime the computer is restarted. This is important for servers dedicated to running OASIS batch services. Batch services are organized in two categories:
- Active- the batch service is active
- Not Active- the batch service is not active
To open a category, click to the left of category name.
Viewing a Batch Service
1. Click open a batch service from the Active or Not Active category.
2. The Batch Service Viewer will appear displaying the following attributes for the service:
- Software- the software version. Note: if a new version of OASIS is deployed, the service will take itself offline until OASIS is restarted and the new version is loaded.
- State- the status of the service
- Update- the last time the service responded; this date should update every 2-5 minutes
- Active- will display "true" if the service is running and "false" if the service is not running
- Server- will display "Y" if service has been identified as a server. Note: when running, non-servers will not run jobs unless all servers are unavailable
- Processes- the number of batch job processes allowed to run concurrently on the service
Editing a Batch Service
Users can adjust the number of processes allowed to run concurrently for the batch job as well as identify the batch service as a server.
1. From the Batch Service Viewer, click [edit].
2. The Batch Service Editor pop-up will appear.
3. Make changes as necessary.
4. Click .
O4 Batch Jobs
An OASIS batch job is a feature of OASIS that runs in the background without user input. The feature may be a standard part of OASIS or a custom code designed for a customer. We have used batch jobs for over a decade to download information from factories, process reports, and even synchronize databases. Batch jobs are organized into three categories:
- Active- the batch job is active
- Not Active- the batch job is inactive
- Disabled- the batch job is disabled
To open a category, click to the left of the category name.
Viewing a Batch Job
1. Click to open a batch job from the Active, Not Active, or Disabled category.
2. The Batch Job Viewer will appear, displaying the following attributes for the job:
- Job- the name of the batch job.
- Status- the current status of the batch job. Note: "Running" and "End" are the most common. "Never Run" is used to force the job to run as it indicates that the job has never run.
- Summary- an overall status (such as "125 orders updated") unique to the batch job.
- Time Pattern- the batch job's scheduled time to run.
- ONCE- will run one time unless exceptions occur
- ALWAYS- will run whenever resources are available (no other services are running)
- DELAY=#- will run as soon as resources are available and then wait x number of minutes before attempting to run again
- YEAR=#- year to run
- MONTH=#- month to run
- MDAY=#- day of month
- WDAY=#- day of week
- HOUR=#- 24-hour clock
- MINUT=#- minute to run
- Affinity- the host name of the machine (how it identifies itself to the network) and the DBID
- Disabled- will display "Y" if the job has been disabled by manual user edit
- History- shows the previous times the job has run. Note: each run is called a cycle. Selecting a cycle will open the cycle editor.
Editing a Batch Job
Users can change the time pattern, state, number of cycles kept, affinity host, and affinity DB for a batch job.
1. From the Batch Job Viewer, click [edit].
2. The Batch Job Editor pop-up will appear.
3. Make changes as necessary.
- Disabled- check the box to disable the job (this will not kill a running job).
- Keep Cycles- number of cycles to keep in history (1 will always be kept).
- Affinity Host- force the job to run on a given host. Note: the hostname is how your computer identifies itself to the network. It is not the same as the IP address.
- To get your hostname on a PC, open a command prompt and type the command "hostname". Alternatively, you can go to Control Panel > System and your hostname/ device name/ computer name will be listed there.
- To get your hostname on a Mac, run Terminal in Applications/Utilities and type in "hostname".
- Affinity DB- allows only the machines that are connected to the listed DBIDs to run the service.
4. Click to save the changes or click to force the job to run as soon as possible.
Viewing a Batch Job Cycle
A batch job cycle is a summary of the batch job's results each time the batch job run. The number of cycles available for review will depend on the Batch Job's Keep Cycles setting. The Batch Job Cycle will display the Standard Output and Standard Error for the cycle.
- Standard Output- the background processes that occurred while the job ran, similar to a log file in Legacy OASIS.
- Standard Error- any errors that occur when the job ran. Once an error occurs, the batch job cycle will end and will attempt to run again during the next scheduled cycle.
1. On the Batch Job Viewer page, click a cycle. Cycles will appear under the History field.
2. The Batch Job Cycle page will appear.
3. Click to open the Standard Output. Users can click into the field, scroll, and select text.
4. Click to open the Standard Error. Users can click into the field, scroll, and select text.
Job Administration
All tiles use a batch job to update data automatically. Users can set up which database all newly created batch jobs should be assigned to, allowing all tiles to run on a particular database. For example, this setting can allow all batch jobs for newly created tiles to run on the user's O4 database versus their local database. Note: the setting does not retroactively set the database for batch jobs created before the setting was set. Users must receive their database ID from OASIS Support in order to set up the default database for batch jobs. To contact OASIS Support, email or call 501-843-6750.
1. Enter the DBID provided by OASIS Support into the Default Database field.
2. Click .
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