Once created, the Bid Board Tile will display complex information in a compact manner for quick and easy readability. The tile will show the total number of bids in the bid board, the total sell value, and the total earnings.
Click the tile to view the tile's detail view using the Cards View or the Table View.
The Cards View
The Cards View displays each bid as a card. Each card will display the project rank color on the left border of the card by default, regardless if it is set up as a column in the tile's configuration.
Users can click on a card to open the Outside Sales View of the project in O4. Users can also change the number of cards displayed by adjusting the Cards on Page field in the Bid Board Tile's edit page.
Sorting the Cards View
Users can sort the cards alphabetically or in ascending order. The page is sorted by Bid Date by default.
1. Click the Sort menu, then select a field from the drop-down list:
- Sell
- Earnings
- Date (Bid Date)
- Name
- Workgroup
- Location
2. The page will update to reflect the new sort.
The Table View
The Table View displays the bids in a table format. Users can click a row to open the Inside Sales View of the project in O4.
Filtering the Table View
1. Click to open the Quoter or Sales Account grouping to view the bids grouped by the respective role. Each grouping will display the total sell and total earnings by default.
2. Click a row within a grouping to generate a filter for the table.
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