The list below describes the changes made in OASIS between release numbers W1050D3 and W1054B4. For more information about O4 release notes for December, click here.
- Corrected an issue where the Flash password expiration warning pop-up erroneously occurred every time a user used Cooper connectivity.
- ANSI-based characters will now be removed when auditing the warehouse.
- Users can now manually retrieve quotes from Signify outside of the normal API process.
- OASIS now resets the order's Target Date if the Schedule Date has been reset.
- Corrected an issue where price levels with a zero cost were not defaulting to the default cost.
- Corrected an issue where users could not clear the Freight Type field in an order.
- The Top Down Report is now located under the "Do Not Use" section of the Worksheets menu on the Reports page. Users are advised to use the Order Summary Report as its replacement.
- Cooper now has a Show Customers and Map Customers option from the Cooper menu in the parent manufacturer entry
- Cooper Invoice Download should now pull in the correct invoice date.
- Implemented code to achieve a better match rate for Cooper and Signify Order Status and Invoice Status downloads.
- The Adjust Primary Font preference setting now resizes customer names in the Customers tab of a project.
- CA agents can now enter the voucher code for items on the Line Level Details tab in the Signify Order Staging Screen.
- Orders now clear the estimated date on lines reset from released to hold.
- The "Auto Create REP columns as REP lines are added" setting in quote preferences has been removed due to deprecated functionality.
- Two tokens are now required to enable Signify Connectivity in Legacy and O4.
- Resolved an issue where customer changes in a project would not update the contact.
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