The SpecSeek Portal allows users to control many of the SpecSeek settings in one area.
The SpecSeek Portal Dashboard allows users to see an overview of the contents of the site and some of the search statistics.
Note: Customers is currently not functional and will be removed in a future release. The number of customers on the SpecSeek site is shown under Contacts.
Site Settings
The General tab of the SpecSeek Portal Site Settings shows general information for SpecSeek.
The Connectivity tab of the SpecSeek Portal Site Settings Shows the OASIS URL and the OASIS Token.
Click on Territories to add new territories to the SpecSeek site.
Click on Team to add new team members to access the SpecSeek portal or site.
Click Add Team Member to add a new user.
Click Add New Role to create a new customer type.
Click Add New Vertical to create a new market.
The Customers section of the SpecSeek Portal allows agencies to download contacts from OASIS or add new contacts to access the SpecSeek site.
Click on Line Card to view the manufacturers currently available on the SpecSeek site.
Click Add Manufacturer to add a new manufacturer to the SpecSeek line card. If you do not see the manufacturer listed in the dropdown menu, please contact to have the manufacturer added into the dropdown menu.
Click the Update from OASIS button to update the territories in SpecSeek with workgroups from OASIS.
Click Categories to edit manufacturer categories and add weights to certain categories for specific manufacturers.
Marketing Media
The Marketing Media section allows users to add marketing videos or images on the right side of the SpecSeek site.
SpecSeek Search
The SpecSeek Search section allows users to search products by manufacturer, keyword or application in the search bar. Users may also browse products in specific attribute categories such as Interior or Exterior on the left side of the screen.
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