This list below describes the changes that were made in OASIS between release number 809C1 and 812B4.
- Tiles are now sort-able by display name on the edit tiles screen
- O4 Web portal no longer shows non-transmitted orders
- Freight Type will now become editable when entering Change Mode in the order editor
- The Sell field in a quote will highlight if there is a MFG Quote on that line (Has been removed)
- Added clipboard notes to sync as part of user profile
- Pick Print will now check to see if there is a different territory on the order compared to the user's territory
- Attachment security has been updated to work as intended
- Fixed Delete in Inventory, it will now delete the line selected in the listing and not the line located at the bottom of the list
- No longer showing Attachments dialogue to all, instead conforms to security protocols
- Fixed rounding when saving a part list with standard carton
- Added customer to parties tab in the Samples find panel
- Charge lines will now be added into the value for option and subtotal lines
- Fixed bug in attachments causing lines to appear as duplicates
- Fixed Issue was that caused the ECAwarded rather than GCAwarded to be reported on the Quote Customizable report
- Removed Feature where Sell price would color change when the MFG Quote cell is not empty
- Customer Assigned To report field was using the UserID to compare against the filtered
- SalesAccountID in the Quote Customizable report, it has now been corrected
- In the invoice editor, payable to the vendor now includes tax and freight in the value
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