This article assumes that the LSI connectivity has been configured. If this has not been done, please follow the setup instructions located here: Setup of LSI connectivity
Price lists may be downloaded directly from the LSI server. The time required may vary, but expect about 10-20 minutes for the system to download and process all the data.
Begin by selecting the Pricing application in OASIS and selecting LSI.
To start the download, select the “Tools” menu, then the “Update Pricing” menu item.
You should see a message bubble showing OASIS downloading the price data in the background:
The process may take 10-20 minutes. During this time, DO NOT log out of OASIS. This won’t damage OASIS or harm any data. However, it will terminate the download. Some users like to see the progress of the download. To do this, double click on the icon in the system tray (the bar with the windows applications) where the balloon was pointing:
(At this time, quotes, orders and other transactions in OASIS may be created or edited. Just do not open or edit the LSI price list until the download has completed.)
Once the download is complete, the following balloon will show (the same information is copied to the session events):
Refreshing the Pricing application will show the new price list. (If a price list already existed, only the description is changed to “Updated: “ followed by the date and time the download started.)
At this point, the price list is ready to use. Double click on the price list to view/edit or go directly to a quote/order to use the pricing. Please note the following settings are set for new price lists created by this process:
- The book price is downloaded
- The LSI target price (5%) is downloaded as the column “Target Price” (Level 1).
- The target price is set to “overageable”
- The quote path is not set. (Users might consider setting to Target Price.)
- The order path is not set. (Users might consider setting to Target Price.)
Click Save and Close. You will be prompted to update the effective start and end dates, then make the price list active.
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