The Win/Loss Tile tracks wins, losses, and unknown quote counts and values by quote statuses for a time period. All quote statuses map to a win, a lost, an unknown, or an ignored state. The Win/Loss Tile tracks the totals for each status to help track overall hit rate. Note: it is recommended that if users need to configure quote statuses they do so before using the Win/ Loss Tile. For more information, click here.
Counts is defined as the number of quotes for each status. The Win/Loss tile records wins, losses, and unknown quotes individually. The state of a quote is based on the quote status. The tile then totals these each of these statuses to form the count. However, this process will become more complex when a quote has an option and a winning quote status.
When a quote has a winning quote status and options, the win/loss tile starts counting wins, losses, and unknowns at the option level instead of quote level. For example, if a user quotes controls in one option and lighting in another option, it is possible the user may win the controls option but lose the lighting option. The Win/Loss tile takes these circumstances into account by allowing the user to see where the win and the lost came from. Options are categorized as wins, losses, unknowns, and ignores:
- Option- counts as a win
- Win Option- counts as a win
- Pending Option- counts as an unknown
- Abandoned Option- this option is ignored
Values are only based on the price level the user selected while setting up the Win/Loss Tile. Each state (Win, Loss, Unknown) will have have a total value. This value can be broken down by manufacturer, direct customers, indirect customers, specifiers, quoters, and many more.
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