The Customers tab within a project allows users to add multiple customers and contacts as well define pricing levels, win/loss status, and more. This article will explain how to add a customer to a project in O4 and define the information displayed within the tab.
The Customers Tab
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Projects from the drop-down list.
3. The Project/Quote Listing will appear.
4. Create or open an existing project. To learn more about creating a project in O4, click here.
5. Navigate to the Customers tab.
6. Click Add Customer.
7. A selection window will appear. Select a customer and a contact. Note: to view and select from a list of contacts, click Show Contacts.
9. Click .
10. The customer will appear in the Customers tab.
12. To associate an indirect customer with a direct customer, select the direct customer and click Add Contractor.
13. Once an indirect customer is selected, it will appear below the direct customer.
The Customer Section
The Customer section contains important details related to the the customer entry and the quote.
- Customer Name- displays the customer's name.
- Location- the customer's city and state.
- Role- displays the customer's assigned role.
- Sales- displays the sales account assigned to the customer entry.
- Committed- indicates that the customer is committed to winning the bid. This is for reporting purposes only.
- Status- indicates whether the customer has won or lost. If an indirect customer is associated with the customer, the indirect customer may be selected as a win status.
- Quote Transmission Status- indicates whether the quote has been sent to the customer.
The Totals Section
The Totals section contains customer specific pricing options and information.
- Include Lamps- indicates if lamps should be quoted to the customer.
- Price Level- assigns a price level (column) from the items tab to the customer.
- Markup- add a markup percentage to the customer's total price.
- Lot Price- quote a lot amount to this customer. This hides unit pricing on the print.
- Total Price- displays the total amount for the customer's quote.
- Total Earnings- displays the total earnings for the agency based on the customer's quote.
Note: if a markup or lot price is added, "Spread money first" will be displayed next to Total Earnings. The dollar amount can be spread using the Spread Profit tool. This will be required before converting the quote to an order for the customer.
The Contacts Section
The Contacts section lists the selected customer contacts. Users can add contacts by clicking and remove them by clicking
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