Once created, the Win/Loss Tile will display complex information in a compact manner for quick and easy readability. The tile will show counts, percentages, and trend arrows for won, lost, and unknown quotes.
The tile lists the current year's percentage and count for Won, Lost, Unk. (unknown), and All quotes in rows. To the left of each count, a trend arrow will indicate whether the current year's count is more () or less (
) than the previous year's.
The Win/Loss Page
To view the tile's detail view, click a link on the face of the tile.
The Win/Loss Page will appear. The page provides four tabs: All, Won, Lost, and Unknown. Each tab presents data for the respective win/loss status and a chart that allows users to group the data by various criteria.
However, unique to the All tab, pie charts are available to view the count and dollar value for each win/loss status.
Using the Chart
Each chart is a horizontal bar chart that presents data for quotes in the respective win/loss status. The data can be grouped using the second drop-down field.
- Top 50 DirectCustomers
- Top 50 IndirectCustomers
- Top 50 Specifiers
- Manufacturer
- SalesAccount
- Quoter
- Rank
- Workgroup
- VerticalMarket
- SpecifiedProject
- Top 50 Quotes
Most groupings allow the users to view data by count or value using the first drop-down.
Clicking a bar in the chart will create a filter for the respective entity. For example, using the SpecifiedProject grouping, clicking the bar for Y will create a filter for specified projects which can then be applied to any grouping.
When using the Top 50 Quotes grouping, clicking a value opens the quote in O4 rather than creating a filter.
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