The list below describes the changes that were made in OASIS between release number W982A3 - W986_dev4. For more information about O4 release notes for August, click here.
- Added Update Date field to invoice search window
- Added Unit Quantity field to order reports
- Added a blank freight option to the Freight Type dropdown in orders
- Added O2O quote code to allow for an overage (profit or lot) line by brand IF the line has a manufacturer ID
- Adjusted sync process to allow large price lists to load properly
- Base and Obase have been added to the O2O import window
- Correct typos in the New Release Available popup for OASIS updates
- Fixed null error in O2O Invoice Download
- Implemented an "O4 URL" column into the quote, order, and invoice customizable reports
- Lot and profit lines are now hidden when limiting manufacturers.
- Pricing and Availability is available for Cooper connectivity
- Raw data payloads will attach to invoices and orders through Cooper Invoice and Order Status downloads
- Reminders now show for other users if you're covering those users
- Resolved an issue where an additional lot price line was created when a lot line is added on the .xlsx print when sending to customer
- Resolved an issue where landed kept populating without proper set up
- Resolved an issue where prices were not showing on O2Os
- Resolved an issue where selecting a column in Price Lookup Screen would cause the scrollbar to move the left
- Resolved an issue where Tax ID was cutoff in invoice print
- Resolved an issue where the zip code/city/state was not validating during cooper order send
- Resolved an issue where users were getting a "Request Entity Too Large" error sending a message with attachments
- Summary reports ran in Legacy OASIS now open transactions in Legacy OASIS rather than O4
- The "Hide manufacturer on resell items for all prints" in Projects and Quotes Global Settings now defaults to unchecked
- The functionalities of the Advertise checkbox was merged into the Web Advertise checkbox and was removed from the manufacturer entry
- The Required on Site date will now default to today's date when left blank or the date entered is the past when sending orders direct to Signify
- The Type column will now downsize if it's too wide in an invoice print
- Updated PDF file names to show project name, phase name, and quote number
- Updated query to add flag for "Active Only" distributor entries to prevent inactive customers from showing up in the Multiple PO/Invoice Entry Tool
- Updated US/Canada postal codes
- Users can now configure Cooper manufacturers to put configurator OBase pricing into the Sell column by default
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