OASIS is designed with the most common terms in mind. We hope that this glossary of terms will help our users on the OASIS terms that they may be unfamiliar with. The design of this page is to allow you to use your browser's find feature (typically found in a tool or edit menu, also Ctrl+F) to find the word you are looking for.
- Active -
- For Quotes/Projects- by default, the new quote/bid is active. If the quote/bid is won by another agency, lost or abandoned then you may want to mark the quote/bid status as inactive. This lets it remain in the system for reference or re-activation at a later date.
- Assigned To- a salesperson assigned to a specific customer. When used, this person will also be added to a job.
- Backup- routine to store a copy of your OASIS data to a backup drive (needs to be verified)
- Bid Date- bid date of the quote/ bid
- Bid Name- name of this bid if needed. Example – Budget Bid, VE-1, VE-2
- Bill of Material (BOM)- list of items quoted or order (located on the Items Tab of OASIS)
- BQTY- base quantity, the amount of an item quoted in a project
- Code column- use this column to adjust quotes. Various uses include subtotals, overage, lamps, kit/ components, options and more. For more information, click here.
- Commission Accounts- the salesman, person, or group gets credit for a job. This can have multiple entries but must equal 100%
- Completion Date- estimated date the job will be complete by
- Connectivity- specialization programming pieces used to connect OASIS to manufacturers, ERP systems, etc
- Contact- an individual working for a company.
- Control- a piece of software, which has a visual representation within a window. Often a control is associated with a label or an icon. Examples of controls are buttons, and menus.
- Customer- the entity in which items are sold to. Typically the Distributor Role for the Agent and Manufacturer versions and Contractor Role in the Distributor versions
- Customer Rank- way of ranking customers/specifiers by "influence" they may have when added to a job. When a salesperson is attached to these customers, it can drive Sales Account credit
- Customer Role/Type- the customer's role in a project, including architect, engineer, distributor, contractor, representative, etc. New ones can be added by an Admin user.
- Database- a software program designed to efficiently and reliably store and retrieve data. OASIS supports a number of different databases, each providing features best suited to a given situation.
- Description- identifying description of a part, project, sample, report, etc
- Draft Only- if checked, this will show the printed transaction or report as a draft copy with a watermark, and will list “draft” instead of a quote number.
- Exp Date- expiration date of the quote/ bid. The default is 30 days but may be adjusted as needed or overridden.
- Extended Price - the price of one fixture multiplied by the quantity of the fixture. Extended prices will print if there are no lot or overage lines on the bill of materials.
- File Code- free form area used to associate a job with a paper job folder in storage.
- For ‘Spec Registration’- check this box if the job is for spec registration with the manufacturer. This will allow users to print a specification registration form to send to the manufacturer. For more information, click here.
- Hide Description- if checked will hide the part description
- Hide Manufacturer IDs- will hide the manufacturer ID
- Hide Part Numbers- will hide the part numbers
- Int Note (column)- internal notes related to this line only. Customers will not see this note.
- Int Note (Code column)- user enters "Int Note" in the Code column. Customers will not see this line
- Landscape- prints in landscape view
- Level 1, Level 2, Level 3- columns used to manipulate pricing and quote customers (customer tab in a quote)
- Limit Manufacturers- by selecting this box, users can select certain manufacturers to show on the quote.
- Local Printer- directs the print item to the Windows print window and allows users to select the printer or driver to print to.
- Location & State- location of job/ phase
- Manufacturer Breakout- prints a breakout by manufacturer. Each manufacturer on the quote has a separate page along with a summary page for all manufacturers selected.
- Manufacturer Request For Quote- prints a request for pricing to a manufacturer
- Microsoft Excel- an output to option; allows the document to output to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
- MFG- manufacturer
- No Parts- does not show part/ catalog numbers
- Non-transmitted- a new or change order that has not had a "live" or "non-draft" copy of the order printed/ emailed/ directly sent to the manufacturer.
- Note (Column)- line item specific note that will appear on the order
- Notes tab- location to enter notes that show on the Quote or Order print
- Notes Tab (External)- notes that show below the BOM print on a quote or order.
- Notes Tab (Internal)- notes that appear in the transaction only (or Office copy), not on a customer print. These internal notes will pop-up in a window when a user opens the transaction
- Office Copy- office print with all pricing levels quoted to various customers
- Office Copy (Legal)- same as office copy with more detailed information
- OMTA (OASIS Manufacturer to Agent)- a proprietary OASIS XML file type used in communications to and from OASIS and a manufacturer's system
- Output to- location or send type that you want OASIS to send the transaction information to. You may print to a local print, print preview then print, output to a PDF file, Send Message (email as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet), or other options
- Owner- name of the user who owns the job/ phase
- Parent Company- companies with multiple brands. The parent is the "main" brand name
- Part- part or catalog number
- PDF File- output to option that creates a “.pdf” file suitable to open with Adobe Reader or email. In the Submittals section there is an option to save the PDF copy of the submittal in the Attachments tab of the job.
- Phase Name- name of job/ phase within the project
- PO- purchase order
- Print Customer Copy- prints the copy format that is designed to be sent to the customer
- Print Preview- allows users to see the document before printing.
- Quote 2nd Column - At times users may want to display another price column such as a distributor price and contractor price, this feature allows you to choose that price to see.
- Quoter - Person that is quoting the Job/Phase; by default, if you are a quoter in OASIS, your name will be here. However, you can quote a job for another person at your agency.
- RA Date- this allows users to keep track of “request for approval” dates for each individual quote
- Search Tags (keys)- custom fields available in various locations of OASIS that allow for customized searching and reporting features
- Sell Price- price quoted or ordered for the customer
- Sell Commission- commission amount or percentage for the sell price
- Send Message- this option is the latest and most flexible. We are avidly encouraging users to try it. Along with being able to preview the document, you also pick and choose who to send it to, send a mass email to all with the assurance that the proper document will be sent to the correct person or company.
- Show Bid Name- if checked, this will show the bid name as a part of the project/ job name on the printed quote
- Show Component Prices- check this box if you want the kit/ assembly or lamp/ acc prices to be broken out and shown on the quote. If Un-checked, this will list the kit parts or lamps, but will include the price into the price of the fixture.
- Show Grand Total (Lot Net)- if checked, this will show a grand total, including lots and all subtotals
- Show Kit parts and lamps - check this box to show a kit/ assembly or lamp/ acc line on the quote. If un-checked, it will roll the prices into the price of the fixture
- Show lamp takeoff separate from fixtures- checking this box will group all lamps at the bottom of the quote and group the like lamps together on one line.
- Show Lot lines- by default, OASIS will hide lot lines and only show a grand total. Checking this box will cause the Lot lines to appear on the quote print.
- Show Manufacturer Terms- if checked, this will show the manufacturer terms that have been entered in the "Terms" tab of the Manufacturer Editor. Users can select which manufacturer’s terms to print by selecting the "Limit Manufacturers" button and selecting the manufacturers as needed.
- Show on Bid Board- shows this job on the Bid Board. Users can also create a bid board view or report of all jobs bidding as well. The bid board can also appear on the Home screen to remind users of jobs bidding.
- Show Subtotals and Options- if checked, this shows all subtotals and option groups
- Show Totals- shows manufacturer freight allowances
- Specified Project- a project that you are receiving specification credit. Check this box if your agency brought the business to the distributor. OASIS will track and report on these jobs (optional)
- Start Date- estimated start date of the job.
- Status
- For Quotes/Projects- by default, the status of the bid will change as it moves through the process. Status is configurable and can be changed to suit your specific process.
- Suppress zero quantity rows- checking this box will cause any rows on the quote with a zero “0” quantity to NOT show on the quote.
- Target Date- schedule date for the order line
- Type- part type; typically a short code, identifying the location or marking to be used for the fixture/part
- Unit Price- prints unit prices if there are no lot or overage lines on the quote bill of materials
- UQ- unit quantity. Pricing is per unit quantity: e.g. $10 per thousand where 500 units would equal $5 extended. The field has the following options: "E" for each, "C" for pricing per 100, "M" for pricing per thousand.
- Valuation- dollar value of the job. This is a value to sort by and is not associated with the money on the quote. For example, this is a $10,000 job, yet by the time the job is won it could be $9,700. But to your group, this is a $10,000 job – allows reporting
- Winning Customer- this feature can be used to track your competition. You can enter your competition in OASIS and if they were to get the job and not you, then you can select them as the winner and because you are tracking specifiers, distributors, and contractors you can create some powerful reports.
#.? - Other/ Symbol
- %Overage- column denoting your take of the overage split
- % Specified- percent of the job your products were specified on.
- % Approved- percent of the job your BOM was approved
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