The purpose of this document is to cover "Customer Listing" data using JSON. The following areas will be covered:
- Customer Listing Fields
- Find Fields Function
- Users must have O4. To learn more about moving forward with O4, email OASIS Sales at or 501-843-6750.
- Users must create bearer tokens in O4 to authorize the call in their external API software.
Customer Listing Fields
JSON is used to retrieve/display the fields within the "Customers Listing" segment.
A group of JSON APIs perform the OASIS function of searching in one of the OASIS applications using the "Find" feature and showing the columns available in the "Preferences" feature.
To retrieve a list of all "Customers Listing" fields and "Find" searchable fields, use the following URL:
OASIS Website Interface Information:
The BASE_URL is the O4 URL provided by OASIS.
The BASE_URL consists of {web address/environment}
What OASIS application information is being looked up:
What OASIS application information is being Returned:
&help=all (will retrieve and display all fields in the OASIS application - Customers Listing)
Sample URL:
https://{BASE_URL}/API? ajax=CustomersListing&Name=a*
Note: this call will return all Customer Names from the OASIS application of "CustomerListings"
Below are the "Customer" field names, type and definition:
Name | Type | Definition |
Customer ID | Text | Direct customer identifier |
InternalID | Text | System internal identifier |
Customer Name | Text | Customer's name |
ParentCompany | Text | Name of the parent company if a child brand |
SoldName | Text | Recipient name |
SoldLine1 | Text | Recipient address line 1 |
SoldLine2 | Text | Recipient address line 2 |
SoldCity | Text | Recipient address city |
SoldState | Text | Recipient address state |
SoldZip | Text | Recipient address zip code |
SoldCountry | Text | Recipient address country |
SoldCounty | Text | Recipient address county |
ShipName | Text | Shipping address name |
ShipLine1 |
Text | Shipping address line 1 |
ShipLine2 | Text | Shipping address line 2 |
ShipCity | Text | Shipping address city |
ShipState | Text | Shipping address state |
ShipZip | Text | Shipping address zip code |
ShipCountry | Text | Shipping address country |
ShipCounty | Text | Shipping address county |
BillName | Text | Billing address name |
BillLine1 | Text | Billing address line 1 |
BillLine2 | Text | Billing address line 2 |
BillCity | Text | Billing address city |
BallState | Text | Billing address state |
BallZip | Text | Billing address zip code |
BallCountry | Text | Billing address country |
BallCounty | Text | Billing address county |
Active | Text | Job active or inactive |
Create Date | Date | Date customer listing was created |
Create User ID | Text | User ID of the person who created the customer |
Update Date | Date | Last date the Invoice was updated |
Update User ID | Text | ID of the user who made an update to customer |
E-Mail 020 |
Text | Status of O2O specialization access |
TermText | Text | Notes made on manufacturer copy of PO |
InvoiceTermText | Text | Notes made on customer invoices |
BuySellOk | Text | Buy and sell permissions |
CreditHold | Text | Status of credit holds (None/Hold-Warning/Hold-Stop) |
TaxStatus | Text | Tax status of the customer |
TaxID | Text | Tax identifier |
InternalNotes | Text | Internal notes related to customer |
RepresentativeID | Text | Used in the Manufacturer version only |
OutOfTerritory | Text | OutOfTerritory status of Customer |
SalesUserID | Text | User Sales Account identifier |
CustomerAlias | Text | Alternate name assigned to Customer |
CustomerType | Text | Specifier for Customer |
Phone | Text | Customer phone number |
Text | Customer e-mail address | |
FAX | Text | Customer fax number |
WWW | Text | Customer website |
CustomerRank | Text | Rank assigned to Customer |
Workgroups | Text | Workgroups assigned to Customer |
SoldCityState | Text | Sold to City and State |
Find Fields Function - JSON
To find a specific "Customer Listing" field(s), use the JSON "Find" function.
A group of JSON APIs perform the common OASIS function of searching in one of the OASIS applications using the "Find" feature and showing the columns available in the "Preferences" feature.
The result will be an object with an array with each returned row under the key "Listing."
To retrieve a field or list of fields, use "Find" searchable fields, use the following URL:
OASIS Website Interface Information:
The BASE_URL is the O4 URL provided by OASIS.
The BASE_URL consists of {web address/environment}
What OASIS application information is being looked up:
What OASIS application information is being Returned:
Sample URL:
https://{BASE_URL}/API? ajax=CustomersListing&Name=a*&Listing=Customer%20Name
Note: this call will return all Names from the OASIS application of "CustomerListings"
Below are the "Customer Listing" find fields (name) and the caption (name returned):
Method | Name | Caption | Definition |
SQL | Name | Name | Customer Name |
SQL | CustomerID | CustomerID | Direct Customer identifier |
SQL | InternalID | InternalID | Customer identifier internally used by OASIS |
SQL | Manufacturer | Manufacturer | Manufacturer or brand |
SQL | Accounts | Accounts | Accounts assigned by the Manufacturer |
SQL | PhoneNumber | PhoneNumber | Customer phone number |
SQL | ActiveOnly | ActiveOnly | Only shows active customers when set to "Y". |
SQL | OutOfTerritory | OutOfTerritory | Territory status of Customer |
SQL | ReppedAt | ReppedAt | Specify workgroup the customer must be assigned to |
SQL | AssignedTo | AssignedTo | User Customer is assigned to |
SQL | Role | Role | Customer role |
SQL | Rank | Rank | Customer assigned rank |
SQL | CreateDate | Create Date | Date customer was created |
SQL | UpdateDate | Update Date | Date of last update made to customer |
SQL | AttDescription | AttDescription | The attachment description |
SQL | AttNote | AttNote | The attachment note |
Note: Method of "SQL" is a static/hard query and runs quickly. Method of "calculated" will run through every transaction and takes a lot longer.
Note: In the "Name" column, if there is a space between two words, that infers that "%20" needs to go between the two words. Ex. Total Price = Total%20Price
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