The other day, I noticed my PC was running slow - including OASIS. After waiting an extra long time just to login to the system, I decided it was time to figure out what was going on. My dual core, 130GB Laptop is normally very zippy!
Disc cleanup time! I bump into individuals that spend a lot of time trying to "defrag" their PCs. However, web browsers, email programs, OASIS an many other programs create "temp files" that don't always get removed. The disc cleanup program will do this and much more for you!
Open "My Computer" and locate your c: drive (local disc C:). Right click on this drive and select "Properties":
Click Disk Cleanup
Windows may take several minutes to discover all the files that may be removed from the system safely:
I select everything. However, we do recommend selecting the "Temporary files" at a minimum:
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