For Windows 10
Click on the Windows button in the lower left hand corner of your screen or the Windows button on your keyboard to bring up your start menu once there click on the search bar to the right of the Windows button
Next, type in "firewall" and then click on the windows firewall app
Then, click advanced settings
Then, click Inbound Rules followed by New Rule
Click Port and then next
After this make sure TCP is selected and specific local ports: and put2638in the box
On the next page make sure that Allow the connection is clicked
Next make sure that all 3 check boxes are checked
Next name the exception, we recommend naming it Oasis, you can also put a discretion in there if you wish. Then hit Finish
Repeat steps 4-9 but when you get to step 6 instead of clicking TCP click UDP
After that on the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" window click outbound rules and new rule
repeat steps 5-11 using the outbound section
For Windows 7
Go to the Windows Start Menu and click on Control Panel.
Next, go to the Windows Firewall option.
Click on Allow A Program Through Windows Firewall.
Next, click on Exceptions.
Click on Add Port…
Enter in oasis in the Name field and 2638 in the Port number field and then select TCP. Click on Ok to save your changes.
Repeat the same steps as mentioned above, except for this time, select UDP and click on Ok.
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