This article lists third-party software used for Legacy OASIS development.
- Apache Axis- SOAP client and server software, Apache 2.0 License
- Apache Batik SVG Toolkit- Apache 2.0 License
- Apache Commons Codec- common encoders and decoders, Apache 2.0 License
- Apache Commons Virtual File System 1.0- Apache 2.0 License
- Apache POI- API for Microsoft Documents, Apache 2.0 License
- Apache POI-OpenXML4J- API for Office Open XML Docs, Apache 2.0 License
- Apache Tomcat- Java web server, Apache 2.0 License
- Apache xmlbeans- binding XML to Java Types, Apache 2.0 License
- Aspose- various document libraries for PDF and others, Commercial License
- At.js- an autocompletion library to autocomplete mentions, smileys etc., just like on Github!, MIT License
- axios - Axios is a promise-base HTTP Client for node.js and the browser
- browser-image-resizer- this library allows for cross-browser image downscaling and resizing utilizing <canvas>.- MIT License
- Chart.js- simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers, MIT License
- commons-logging-1.1.1- bridging API for well-known logging systems, Apache 2.0 License
- Dom4j- library for working with XML, SPath, and XSLT, BSD License
- EWS- Exchange Web Services, MIT License
- flatpickr - flatpickr is a lightweight and powerful datetime picker.
- grid.js - Grid.js is a Free and open-source JavaScript table plugin
- JACOB- Java bridge to windows COM, GNU Library, or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)
- jconn4- connectivity to Sybase SAP databases, SAP Partner License
- JFreeChart- basic plot and graph library- GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)
- JPDFProcess- creation and manipulation of PDF files, Commercial License
- JSch- for SSH2, BSD License
- Montserrat Font- SIL Open Font License 1.1
- MS SQL Server- one of three databases options, Commercial License (direct)
- mssql-jdbc- connectivity to MS SQL databases, MIT License
- ojdbc7- connectivity to Oracle Databases, Oracle License Agreement
- Oracle RDBMS- one of three database options, Commercial License (direct / OEM)
- pdf.js- a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.
- servlet-api- Tomcat API, Apache 2.0 and CCDL 1.0 Licenses
- SQL Anywhere- one of three database options, Commercial License (OEM)
- sqljdbc4- connectivity to SQL Server databases, MIT License
- Tippy.js - Tippy.js is the complete tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu solution for the web
- vue.js- javascript environment for building dynamic web pages, MIT License
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