Within the Projects page, users may conduct searches using the blue search bar to the right of the screen, or by selecting the “Find” button, located in the “File” menu. Users may search for projects by selecting a combination of search criteria. These criteria are sorted into categories: Basic, Money, Internal, Parties, Submittals, Specifiers, Notes, Attachments, and Search Tags (Keys). Note: the "Restore Last" button in the Find window allows users to automatically restore the last search made by the user.
1. Navigate to the Projects page.
2. Select the “Find” link in the blue search bar.
3. The “Find Quotes” window will appear.
The Basics Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on their characteristics.
- Project- all or a portion of the project name
- Location- city of a project
- LocationState- state of a project
- Quote- quote number. Note: enter the portion of the quote number that appears after the workgroup prefix.
- MFGQuote- manufacturer quote number on the project
- Part Number-all or a portion of the part number
- Fixture Type- part’s fixture type code
- External Code- dodge number as entered on the “General” tab of the project
- File Code- number assigned to a closed project that identifies where the job file is located
- Create Date- date the bid was created
- Updated date- date the quote was last updated
- Bid Date- date when the quote is needed by the customer
- Blank Bid Date- search for projects where the bid date is blank
- Original Bid Date- search for projects by the original bid date
- Active- project status is set to active
- HasOrder- an order has been created from the project
- NoOrder- no orders have been created from the project
- Inactive- project status is set to inactive
- Specified- search for specified projects as indicated on the “General” tab of the project.
- Spec Registration- find projects that have been added to the bid board
- Rank- user assigned importance to the bid
- Quote status- sales process steps
- Vertical Market- portion of the market (i.e construction)
- Daily Quote- search for daily quotes
- Simple Quote- search for simple project quotes
- Project Bid- search for project quotes
The Money Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on sell prices and earnings.
- Min Sell/ Level 1/2/3- minimum prices
- Max Sell/ Level 1/2/3- maximum prices
- Min Sell/ Level 1/2/3 earnings- minimum earnings
- Max Sell/ Level 1/2/3 earnings- maximum earnings
The Internal Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on internal information.
- Quoter- find quotes with selected quoters
- Sales Account- find quotes with selected sales accounts
- No Sales accounts- find quotes where there are no sales accounts entered on the splits
- Sales Accounts Not 100%- find quotes were sales credit has not been fully allocated
- CSR- find quotes with selected CSRs
- Customer Assigned to- find customers assigned to a sales account
- Specifier Assigned to- find specifiers assigned to a sales account
- Assigned Follow Up- find projects where there are follow ups assigned to sales accounts
- Workgroup- find quotes for selected workgroups
- Locked- check this box to find quotes that have been locked by the quoter
The Parties Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on people who were involved in the project.
- Manufacturer- search by manufacturer whose material is included in the quote
- Parent Manufacturer- search by parent manufacturer whose child brand material is included in the quote
- Parent Customer- search by distributor customer on the quote
- Contractor- search by contractor
- Representative- search by representative
- Competition- search by competition
The Submittals Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on their attached submittals.
- Has Submittal- find projects that have submittals
- RA Date- search by Return for Approval date
- Submitted On- search by Submitted On date
The Specifiers Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on their specifier information
- Specifiers- specifiers on the general tab of the project
- Influences- specifiers on the General tab of the project that have an influence greater than zero on the job
- Role- search by specifier type
- Specifier- find quotes with selected specifiers on the job
- Customer Assigned Sales- find quotes where the selected sales person is assigned to the customer
- Quote Assigned Sales- find quotes where the selected sales person is the quoter
- Has Specifier- check this box to search for quotes with at least one specifier
- No specifier- check this box to search for quotes that have no specifiers
- Unknown Specifier- check this box to search for quotes that have a specifier not in your database
- Low GC- search for quotes by the Low General Contractor
- Low EC- search for quotes by the Low Electrical Contractor
- Low Distributor- search for quotes by the Low Distributor
The Notes Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on the contents of their notes.
- Notes- find quotes based on specific note text
- Internal Notes- find quotes based on specific internal note text
The Attachments Tab
1. Use this tab to search for quotes based on the contents of their Attachments tab.
- ATT Descriptions- search by attachment description
- ATT Note- search by attachment notes
- ATT Color- search by attachments that are color-coded by a selected color
- ATT Category- search by attachments with specific categorization
The Search Tags (Keys) Tab
1. Use this tab to search by custom search tags, which store job information unique to your agency.
2. Select "OK."
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