The Quote Summary Report allows users to generate a summary report in a table and chart format. Users can drill into the summary quote table to view the details, or the individual transactions, for any given cell. Furthermore, the transaction editor can be opened from the report. The Quote Summary Report can be created from the Projects Page, the Quotes Page, the Reports Page, and the O4 Dashboard. This article will explain how to create the Quote Summary Report from the O4 Dashboard. Note: this report is named “Customizeable Quote Summary Reports” in the Projects, Quotes, and Reports page.
1. Navigate to the O4 Dashboard.
2. The “OASIS - Home” window will appear.
3. Select “Reports.”
4. Select “Quote Summary Reports” from the drop-down list.
5. The “OASIS - Quote Summary Report” window will appear.
6. Modify the parameters of the report.
- Report- the report style
- Quote Summary- compares monthly data against the anchor month
- Month of Monthly- compares the anchor month of the current year to the anchor month during the previous year
- Anchor Month- the starting point of data to be generated on the report
- Year- the year for the anchor month
- Chart- the chart style for the report
- Rows- the row value for the month
- Sort- the sort order for the results
7. Select the button next to the “Show Values” field.
8. Check the boxes of values to be displayed in each row of the report table.
9. Click the button next to the “Selection” field.
10. The “Find Quotes” window will appear.
The Selection Window
1. Use this window to define a list of quotes to be included in the report. Note: users do not have to fill out criteria on every tab.
- Basics- general quote information. Note: users must define at least one timeframe, such as bid date. To learn more about specifying a timeframe, select a “from” or “to” field for any date, and then select the “Help” tab.
- Money- minimum or maximum dollar amounts for various price levels
- Internal- internal quote identifiers
- Parties- parties associated with the transaction
- Submittals- submittal specific criteria
- Specifiers- specifier information
- Notes- notes or internal notes
- Attachments- attachments criteria
2. Select “Ok.”
3. Select the button to generate the report.
Drilling into the Report Table
1. Double-click to open a cell in the table.
2. The “Show Transactions” window will appear.
3. Use this window to view report details/ transaction information.
4. Double-click a row to open the transaction editor.
Saving and Printing the Report
1. Select “File.”
2. Select “Save” from the drop-down list.
3. The "Save Report" window will appear.
4. Enter a name for the report.
5. Enter any necessary notes for the report.
6. Select "Ok." To learn more about accessing a saved report, click here.
7. Select “File.”
8. Select "Print" from the drop-down list.
9. The "Save Quote Summary As" window will appear.
10. Select an "Output To:" field.
- xls- print the report using .xls format
- xlsx- print the report using .xlsx format
- pdf- print the report using PDF format
11. Select "Ok."
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