If unexpected issues or errors occur, users can send messages with the accompanying problem directly from OASIS to customer support. Note: this documentation assumes users have the issue or problem pulled up in OASIS.
1. In the related transaction or entity (quote, order, manufacturers, etc), select "Help." Note: this example will use a quote.
2. Select "Open Ticket."
3. The "Open Ticket" window will appear.
4. Enter a subject line. Note: if using a quote, project, or order, it is recommended that users enter the job name.
5. Ensure the "Include Transactions" box is checked. This will attach the transaction to the ticket.
6. If needed, check the boxes to include attachments.
7. If needed, check the boxes to include log files or the last HS err log. Note: these are generally used when errors occur with the database log.
8. Enter an email address, and if needed, enter a phone number.
9. In the large text area, explain the issue or error.
10. Select "OK." This will send the ticket to customer support.
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