This article will explain how to configure Cooper connectivity for Canadian agents. This article contains three sections:
- Parent Brand Set Up
- Core Child Brand Set Up
- Non-Core Child Brand Set Up
- Authorization
Note: agencies will only have access to manufacturers and brands that they are authorized to purchase.
- Users must add their Flash credentials to OASIS before beginning this process. To obtain credentials, please contact Cooper.
- Users must obtain their six-digit Agent ID from Cooper.
- Users must have admin access to manufacturers.
Parent Brand Set Up
The Manufacturer Entry General Tab
1. Navigate to the Manufacturers page.
2. Open the Cooper manufacturer entry.
3. On the General tab, select Parent (shown) from the Active drop-down list.
4. Check the Merge Brands checkbox.
5. Select Flash from the Specialization drop-down list.
6. Click Configure Specialization.
7. The Configure Flash Connection window will appear.
The Configure Flash Connection Window
8. On the Direct tab, click the Settings subtab.
9. Check the Canada Agency box.
9. On the Connection subtab, click the button.
10. Select Cooper from the list.
11. Click Ok.
Core Child Brand Set Up
The following manufacturers are part of the core Cooper lines:
- All Pro
- All Pro Em
- AP Ambient
- Atlite
- AtliteEmer
- Cooper Ltg
- CoopNeoray
- Edison
- Emerald
- Fail-Safe
- Flexilume
- Halo Comm
- HALO-Rec
- HALO-Trac
- HID Access
- HID Lamps
- Invue
- Iris
- Lumark
- LumOutdoor
- McGraw-Ed
- Metalux
- Metalux Re
- Novitas
- Paralux
- Pentalux
- Poles
- Portfolio
- Port-Incan
- Regent
- Streetlght
- Streetwork
- Sure-Lites
- SurlitePWR
The Manufacturer Entry General Tab
Users should create a manufacturer entry for each core child brand with the following selected:
- Identify the Cooper manufacturer entry as the parent company from the Parent Company drop-down
- Check the Merge Brands box for all brands that can be sent together in a single order
- The Flash specialization selected from the Specialization drop-down list
The Configure Flash Connection Direct Tab
1. Click Configure Specialization.
2. The Configure Flash Connection window will appear.
3. Click the button.
4. Select Cooper as the core brand, then click Ok.
5. Click Add Brand.
6. A new window will appear. Select the corresponding brand from the list, then click Ok.
Note: some brands can have two or more brands mapped to a single manufacturer entry. For example, if users have created a manufacturer entry as Halo rather than one for Halo-Rec and one for Halo-Trac, then both Halo-Rec and Halo-Trac can be mapped to the Halo manufacturer entry. However, if users have already created individual manufacturer entries for Halo-Rec and Halo-Trac, then those entries should be mapped to their respective brands in the mapping window.
Non-Core Child Brand Set Up
The following manufacturers are part of the non-core Cooper lines:
- Corelite
- Neoray
- Specialty Products
- Ametrix
- IO Lighting
- Shaper
The Manufacturer Entry General Tab
Users should create a Manufacturer entry for each non-core child brand with the following selected:
- Identify the Cooper manufacturer entry as the parent company from the Parent Company drop-down
- The Flash specialization selected from the Specialization drop-down list
DO NOT check the Merge Brands box for non-core manufacturers. Non-core brands must be quoted and ordered independently in OASIS.
The Configure Flash Connection Direct Tab
1. Click Configure Specialization.
2. The Configure Flash Connection window will appear.
3. Click the button.
4. The Select Cooper Manufacturer window will appear. Select the corresponding brand based on the list of non-core brands above, then click Ok.
5. Click Add Brand.
6. A new window will appear. Select the corresponding brand from the list, then click Ok.
Once the parent and child brands are configured and mapped correctly, users will need to enter their six digit Agent ID provided by Cooper to authorize connectivity between Flash and OASIS.
1. Navigate to the Manufacturers page.
2. Open the Cooper parent manufacturer.
3. On the General tab, click Configure Specialization.
4. The Configure Flash Connection window will appear.
5. Click the Cooper tab.
6. On the Authorization subtab, enter the Agent ID into the Agent ID column for the workgroups requiring Flash connectivity.
7. Click Copy to All Mfgs to copy the Agent ID to all configured and mapped child brands.
8. Click Ok.
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