OASIS connects to Cooper Lighting through Flash. All users MUST enter their current Flash user name, password, and agent ID in OASIS to allow that connectivity to function. When Flash credentials are updated, they must also be updated in OASIS.
1. Navigate to the Home page.
2. Open the Cooper Menu at the top of the page.
3. Select 'Set Flash Password'.
Users Who Work In One Workgroup
Most OASIS users work in one workgroup in OASIS and have a single login credential for Flash. Type in your user name and password. Make sure that the workgroup drop-down selection is "Same for all."
Users Who Work In Multiple Workgroups
Some admin users will work in multiple workgroups in OASIS and will also have multiple Flash credentials. These users will need to enter the appropriate Flash credentials for the corresponding OASIS workgroup. Select the first OASIS workgroup and enter the corresponding Flash user and password information.
Select the next OASIS workgroup and enter the corresponding Flash user and password information. Continue until you have entered all of your Flash information for each workgroup.
4. When finished, select "Ok"
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