Part history may be used to review historical pricing for items, to help determine pricing for a quote, and to see what jobs an item is quoted on. Part history may viewed in a project or quote. This example will use a project.
1. Navigate to the Projects page.
2. Open an existing project or quote. The project will appear in a new window.
3. In the bill of materials, select a part, so it is highlighted.
4. Select “Tools.”
5. Select “Part History.”
6. The “Price History” window will appear. Note: this window displays a record of the part's past quotes and orders for the last year.
7. Use the following criteria to search for and filter part history.
- Part- enter the part number.
- Within 365 days- this box is checked by default to search within the last 365 days.
- Approximate Search- check this box to search by approximate part numbers.
- From Quotes- check this box to view only quote history for a part.
- From Orders- check this box to view only order history for a part.
- WG- search by workgroups.
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