Once the pages of a submittal have been highlighted it is possible to "learn" those pages so the highlights are saved for later use. This article explains how to learn pages in a submittal. After they are learned, the pages are located in the "Learn" section under the "OASIS" folder in the Manufacturer's cutsheet section. Their name will be whatever is typed in the part number field when you learn the page.
Learning All Pages
It is possible to learn all the pages of a submittal at one time. To do this, either click on the "Learn All" link on the purple side bar:
Or go to Tools>Learn All:
After clicking one of those options, a window will pop up and tell you how many of the rows in the submittal were learned:
Those pages will now be in the "Learn" section under the "OASIS" folder in the Manufacturer's cutsheet section:
Learning One Row
It is also possible to learn only one row in a submittal. To do this click on the "Learn" link under the row you want to learn:
All the pages in that row will now be in the learned folder.
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