The Customizable Payment Listing - Line Level Report allows users to build a powerful payments report from scratch that displays exactly the information that is needed. Users can group together payments, filter groups to see specific values, and add fields to the layout of the report. This article will explain the options and features available within the Customizable Payment Listing - Line Level Report. For a list of field descriptions, click here.
1. Navigate to the Payments page.
2. Select the “Reports” tab.
3. Select “Customizable Payment Listing - Line Level Report” from the drop-down list.
4. The “Report Builder - Payments - Line Level” window will appear.
1. Use this window to define a list of payments to be included in the report. Note: users do not have to fill out criteria on every tab.
- Basics- general payment information. Note: users must define at least one time frame such as bid date. To learn more about specifying a time frame, select a “from” or “to” field for any date, then select the “Help” tab.
- More- select payments by manufacturer or customers
2. The number of payments currently being included in the report will now appear in the “Approximate number of records" field.
1. Use this window to group together payments by a shared value.
2. By default, the "Payment ID" will already be selected for grouping. This must remain as the first grouping field in order for the report to contain report heading information.
3. Click to select a field from the “Fields that can be used for grouping” section.
4. Select “Add.” Caution: Grouping by more than one field can generate strange results and is generally not recommended.
5. The field will appear in the “Report currently groups on these fields...” section.
6. If desired, check the "Adjust Value" or "Page Break" box to modify the grouping.
- Adjust Value- this will generate the grouping’s specific dollar amounts.
- Page Break - this will generate a page break between each grouping.
7. Select the “Move Up,” “Move Down,” or “Remove” button to rearrange any selected fields.
1. Use this window to sort by a field on the report. Note: this step is optional. By default, it will show information in the order that it was found in the database.
2. Select a field from the “Fields that can be used for sorting” section.
3. Select “Add.”
4. The field will appear in the “Report currently sorts on these fields…” section.
5. Check a box to define the sort order.
- Asc- this will sort the field by ascending order.
- Des- this will sort the field by descending order.
6. Select the “Move Up,” “Move Down,” or “Remove” button to rearrange any selected fields.
1. Use this window to filter a grouping to only include desired values. Note: a grouping must be defined in the “Grouping” tab; however, not all groupings can be filtered.
2. Select the button to select a value.
3. The “Select items to add…” window will appear.
4. Select one or more values.
5. Select “Ok” to complete the selection. Note: any filter will change the approximate number of records on the report, but the new number will not be reflected in the “Approximate number of records” field. If the report does not generate any results, adjust the filter.
1. Use this window to customize the fields that appear in the report.
Report Header Level Fields
1. Fields can be added to the heading of the report so that the field is repeated only once per "Payment ID" grouping.
2. Select a field from the "Fields with Transaction-Level Values Only (can only be used in heading)" section.
3. Select "Add in Heading."
4. The field will appear in the "Fields Displayed in Heading (once per transaction)" section.
5. Select “Move Up”, “Move Down”, or “Remove” button to rearrange any selected fields.
Report Body Fields
1. Click to select a field from the “Fields That Can Be Included in Any Section of the Report” section.
2. Select “Add in Column” or “Add in Row.”
3. The field will appear in the respective section on the left.
4. Select “Move Up”, “Move Down”, or “Remove” button to rearrange any selected fields.
5. Double click a column width or field width number.
6. Adjust the width as necessary. Note: a blue number indicates that the field can fit onto the page, whereas a red number indicates that the field cannot fit onto the page. Use the “Available” field to gauge how much room is left on the page before adjusting column widths.
7. Select “Portrait”, “Landscape”, or “Legal” to change the orientation of the printed report.
8. Select “Ok.”
9. If desired, check the “Show Totals Only” checkbox to generate a summary report.
Save and Print the Report
1. Enter a name for the report in the “Report Title” field.
2. Select the button to save the report to the “Reports” page. To learn more about accessing a saved report, click here.
3. A “Message” window will appear indicating that the report has been saved to the Reports page.
4. Click “Ok.”
5. Select an “Output to:” field.
- Local Printer- the system printer dialog is used to select a printer.
- Print Preview- the report is shown in the print preview dialog box.
- PDF File- a file selection dialog box is used to select the name and location where a PDF copy of the print will be produced.
- Microsoft Excel- a file selection dialog is used to select the name and location where an Excel copy of the print will be produced.
- Send Message- the OASIS send message feature is activated for emailing a PDF copy of the print.
- Send Message (Excel)- the OASIS send message feature is activated for emailing an Excel copy of the print.
6. Select “Print.”
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