Resell invoices (vendor and customer) can be exported from OASIS to the Quickbooks desktop application. Note: users must be logged in with administrator rights to the QuickBooks database in order to accept the application requests and make changes. Additionally, users must not be in the "multi-user mode", as this does not grant the rights required to make these types of requests. Also, you must use Oasis 32 bit
1. Navigate to the Invoices page.
2. Open the needed invoice.
3. Select "Tools."
4. Select "Export to Quickbooks."
5. The "Question" window will appear, confirming you would like to export the invoice to Quickbooks.
6. Select "Yes."
7. The "Quickbooks- Application Certificate" window will appear, asking for authorization to modify the file. Note: this window will only appear if users have requested Quickbooks to ask for authorization before accessing the file.
8. Check the "Yes" box with the needed setting. Note: users allow access to OASIS for this session only, for each session when Quickbooks is open, and for all sessions, including when Quickbooks is closed.
9. Select "Continue."
10. OASIS will automatically prepare the necessary fields for its connection with Quickbooks. It will confirm if the customer exists in Quickbooks. If the customer does not exist, the following window will appear:
11. If the customer does not exist, users may allow OASIS to create the customer automatically, search for the customer in QuickBooks, or create the customer manually. If users search for the customer, a dialog will appear with a search box. Enter your search query in the box, and then select the "Search" button to view the results. Once the customer is found, select the customer and use the "Use Selected" button to add the transaction to the customer.
12. Once the customer exists in the system, OASIS will confirm that the invoice export was successful. Note: the transaction ID provided on this screen is the unique identifier that QuickBooks creates and is not the same as the invoice number.
13. Select "Ok."
14. Users may view the invoice in Quickbooks by selecting either the "Customers" button, or by navigating to the "Customer Center." Once there, find the customer the invoice was created for and you can view the transactions for them on the right (with the OASIS invoice number listed).
Note: OASIS will attempt to find the related customer entry in QuickBooks by searching the name field of the customer. If no appropriate match returns, OASIS will create a customer entry in QuickBooks.
15. Notice that the "Item" column is not the part number. OASIS creates a series of item codes to link Parts and LOT lines to items in QuickBooks. Material lines consist of either parts, LOT, or overage/profit lines, and come over separately than TAX or Freight lines.
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