The Est. Shipping Date Report provides a list of orders scheduled to ship during a certain timeframe.
1. Navigate to the Invoices page.
2. Select “Reports.”
3. Select “Est. Shipping Date” from the drop-down list.
4. The “Materials Shipping” window will appear.
5. Select an "Output to:" field.
- Local Printer- the system printer dialog is used to select a printer.
- Print Preview- the report is shown in the print preview dialog box.
- PDF File- a file selection dialog box is used to select the name and location where a PDF copy of the print will be produced.
- Microsoft Excel- a file selection dialog is used to select the name and location where an Excel copy of the print will be produced.
- Send Message- the OASIS send message feature is activated for emailing a PDF copy of the print.
- Send Message (Excel)- the OASIS send message feature is activated for emailing an Excel copy of the print.
6. Enter a title for the report.
7. Enter a “Shipping During” timeframe for the report.
8. Check the boxes to define the parameters of the report.
- From shipments- show orders with scheduled dates but no shipment information
- From invoices- show orders with invoice information
- Resell view- show customer and vendor information
- Show Material (not just PO Number)- show line item information
9. Select “Ok” to print.
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