Use the blue search bar in the Samples page to quickly find samples and catalogs. Users can filter by the sample status, such as if it is available or checked out, as well as by user or workgroup association.
Note: if the search bar is not visible on the right side of the screen, select the binoculars button to enable the search bar.
Item Lookup
1. Use this section to search for individual samples and catalogs.
2. Enter the part number, tag, or description of the sample or catalog.
3. Select "Go." OASIS will pull samples and catalogs that match the part number, tag or description into the samples page.
1. Use this section to filter the Samples page by the selected link.
- Overview- quick overview of checked out items for the logged in user
- Checked out- items checked out based on filter criteria
- Available- items available to be checked out
- Scheduled items- items with a current or future schedule based on filter criteria
- Samples- all samples based on filter criteria
- Catalogs- all catalogs based on filter criteria
1. Use this section to filter the samples page by logged in user, active items, and workgroup.
- Me Only- shows items checked out or scheduled by the logged in user
- Active Only- shows samples or catalogs that are currently available
- WG- workgroup associated with a sample or catalog. Note: this filter only applies if workgroups are configured in OASIS.
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