When a customer or manufacturer has overpaid an invoice, the positive difference in the payment can be applied to a future invoice. For the overpaid amount to be "forwarded," the overpaid payment must be posted. This article will explain processing an overpaid invoice and forwarding the overpayment. Note: the check number of any amounts forwarded that have not been applied to an invoice will appear on the Aged Invoices Report.
Processing the Overpaid Invoice
1. Navigate to the Payments page.
2. Create a new payment.
3. The Payment Editor window will appear.
4. Enter an invoice number, then click select Set.
5. Enter the payment information as needed. Because there is an overpayment, the Difference amount in the header will be positive.
6. Post the payment. To learn more about posting payments in OASIS, read our Posting a Payment help article.
Forwarding the Overpayment
1. Navigate to the Payments page.
2. Create a new payment.
3. The Payment Editor window will appear.
4. Enter an invoice number into the Invoice field, then click Set.
5. Click the Amounts Forwarded tab. This will list all overpaid amounts available to be forwarded.
6. For any overpaid check, enter the desired amount into the Amount column to apply it to the current payment. It can be the full amount or a partial amount.
7. The amount will apply to the invoice on the payment, which will be shown as a Forwarded amount in the header.
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