This article provides descriptions for the fields available in the Customizable Quote Listing - Line Level Report. For more information about how to build this report, click here. Note: these fields are also applicable to any line-level quote report that has the "Customize" option available. For a full list of reports, click here.
- Field Name- the name of the field
- Group- whether the field can be grouped
- Split- whether the field can be split using the "Adjust Values" feature
- Total- whether the field can be totaled
- Field Descriptions- the description of the field
A column with an "N" represents "No", whereas a column with a "Y" represents "Yes."
Field Name | Group | Split | Total | Field Description |
***** Row Break ***** | N | N | N | Inserts a row break between fields on the report |
Active | Y | Y | N | Job active or inactive |
Approved Project Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of parts specified that have been approved |
Architect | Y | Y | N | Architect(s) working on the project |
Base | N | N | Y | Total for the base column on the quote |
Bid Date | N | Y | N | The date the quote is being bid on |
Bid Date and Time | N | Y | N | The date and time the quote is being bid on |
Bid Name | Y | Y | N | The name of the bid |
Bid Time | N | Y | N | The time the quote is being bid on |
BidBoard | Y | Y | N | Is the quote on the bid board? |
BidMonth | Y | Y | N | Bid date - Year/Month |
BidYear | Y | Y | N | Year of the bid date |
Completion Date | N | Y | N | Date the project is slated for completion (estimate) |
Contractor | Y | Y | N | Contractor(s) working on the project |
Cost | N | N | Y | Total price from the factory in factory currency |
Create Date | N | Y | N | Date quote created |
Create User | Y | Y | N | User ID of the person who created the quote |
CSR | Y | Y | N | CSR for the quote |
Customer Assigned Commission | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Commission for the sell price |
Customer Assigned Commission Percentage | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Percentage of commission for the sell price |
Customer Assigned Earnings | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Commission + Overage + Profit |
Customer Assigned Gross Profit Percentage | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Percentage of total earnings for the sell price |
Customer Assigned Overage | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Overage for the sell price |
Customer Assigned OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Rep take of the overage on the order |
Customer Assigned Price | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Sell price column value |
Customer Assigned Profit | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Profit for the sell price |
Customer Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Assigned Salesmen of the customer(s) |
Customer Display ID | Y | Y | N | Customer ID (List) |
Customer Invoiced | N | N | Y | Amount invoiced of customer orders |
Customer Name | Y | Y | N | Customer Name (List) |
Customer Notes | Y | Y | N | Notes specific to a Customer in a project. |
Customer Win/Loss Status | Y | Y | N | Customer's win or loss status |
Customers Committed | Y | Y | N | Customers Committed to Win on Quote |
DBID | Y | Y | N | OASIS Database ID |
Electrical Contractor Awarded Y/N | Y | Y | N | Electrical contractor chosen on the job |
Engineer | Y | Y | N | Engineer(s) working on the project |
Expiration Date | N | Y | N | Date the quote expires |
External Notes | Y | Y | N | External Notes from the project. |
External Project Number | Y | Y | N | Place to denote the external website's identifier for this job |
File Code | Y | Y | N | Manually entered code indicating where closed file is stored |
Filed On | N | Y | N | Date the file code was entered. Presumably when the job was filed. |
FixtureType | Y | Y | N | Item fixture type |
Followed By | Y | Y | N | Sales person(s) following the project |
FollowUp Assignment Notes | Y | Y | N | Project customer followup assignments. |
FollowUp Notes | Y | Y | N | Notes added for tracking the progress of the project. |
General Contractor Awarded Y/N | Y | Y | N | General contractor chosen on the job |
Gross Profit Percentage of all orders | N | N | Y | Percentage of total earnings for the sell price |
Indirect Customer Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Assigned Salesmen of the indirect customer(s) of the job |
Indirect Customers | Y | Y | N | Indirect customer(s) of the job |
Level 1 | N | N | Y | Customer sell price - Level 1 |
Level 1 Commission | N | N | Y | Commission for the sell price - Level 1 |
Level 1 Commission Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of commission for the sell price - Level 1 |
Level 1 Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 1 |
Level 1 Gross Profit Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of total earnings for the sell price - Level 1 |
Level 1 Net Price | N | N | Y | Lower price between Obase and Level 1 |
Level 1 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order - Level 1 |
Level 1 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Overage for the sell price - Level 1 |
Level 1 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Profit for the sell price - Level 1 |
Level 2 | N | N | Y | Customer sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Commission | N | N | Y | Commission for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Commission Per Unit | N | N | N | Per Unit Commission for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Commission Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of commission for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 2 |
Level 2 Gross Profit Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of total earnings for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Net Price | N | N | Y | Lower price between Obase and Level 2 |
Level 2 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order - Level 2 |
Level 2 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Overage for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 2 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Profit for the sell price - Level 2 |
Level 3 | N | N | Y | Customer sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Commission | N | N | Y | Commission for the sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Commission Per Unit | N | N | N | Per Unit Commission for the sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Commission Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of commission for the sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 3 |
Level 3 Gross Profit Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of total earnings for the sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Net Price | N | N | Y | Lower price between Obase and Level 3 |
Level 3 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order - Level 3 |
Level 3 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Overage for the sell price - Level 3 |
Level 3 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Profit for the sell price - Level 3 |
LineUID | Y | Y | N | Internal unique OASIS number identifying an individual quote line |
Local Rep | Y | Y | N | Local representatives |
Location City | Y | Y | N | City where project is located |
Location State | Y | Y | N | State/province where project is located |
Locked By | Y | Y | N | User who clicked on the "Locked" check box preventing nonadmin users from viewing or changing the project. |
Lot Price Order | Y | Y | N | Check box denoting that billing should be handled as a lot total and not show the customer individual unit prices. |
Low Distributor Name | Y | Y | N | Low distributor working on the project |
Low Distributor Y/N | Y | Y | N | Low distributor chosen for the project |
Manufacturer (list) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand |
Manufacturer ID (list) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand - ID |
Manufacturer Quote | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer quote values on the quote |
Mfg Product Type | Y | Y | N | Product Type on the Manufacturer |
MfgPartNumber | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer's Part Number |
OBase | N | N | Y | Total for the Obase column on the quote |
Owner | Y | Y | N | Business or person who owns the job site |
Parent Manufacturer (list) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand |
Part Description | Y | Y | N | Catalog number description |
PartNumber | Y | Y | N | Catalog Number |
Per Unit Base | N | N | N | Per unit base column on the quote |
Per Unit Cost | N | N | N | Price per unit from the factory in factory currency |
Per Unit Level 1 | N | N | N | Per unit customer sell price - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 1 Commission | N | N | N | Per Unit Commission for the sell price - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 1 Commission | N | N | N | Per Unit Commission for the sell price - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 1 Net Price | N | N | N | Per Unit lower ammount between Obase and Level 1 price |
Per Unit Level 1 OverageSplit | N | N | N | Per unit rep take of the overage on the order - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 1 Sell Overage | N | N | N | Per unit overage for the sell price - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 1 Sell Profit | N | N | N | Per Unit Profit for the sell price - Level 1 |
Per Unit Level 2 | N | N | N | Per unit customer sell price - Level 2 |
Per Unit Level 2 Net Price | N | N | N | Per Unit lower ammount between Obase and Level 2 price |
Per Unit Level 2 OverageSplit | N | N | N | Per unit rep take of the overage on the order - Level 2 |
Per Unit Level 2 Sell Overage | N | N | N | Per unit overage for the sell price - Level 2 |
Per Unit Level 2 Sell Profit | N | N | N | Per Unit Profit for the sell price - Level 2 |
Per Unit Level 3 | N | N | N | Per unit customer sell price - Level 3 |
Per Unit Level 3 Net Price | N | N | N | Per Unit lower ammount between Obase and Level 3 price |
Per Unit Level 3 OverageSplit | N | N | N | Per unit rep take of the overage on the order - Level 3 |
Per Unit Level 3 Sell Overage | N | N | N | Per unit overage for the sell price - Level 3 |
Per Unit Level 3 Sell Profit | N | N | N | Per Unit Profit for the sell price - Level 3 |
Per Unit OBase | N | N | N | Per unit value for the Obase column on the quote |
Per Unit Sell Commission | N | N | N | Per unit commission for the sell price |
Per Unit Sell Earnings | N | N | N | Per unit: Commission + OverageSplit + Profit |
Per Unit Sell Overage | N | N | N | Per unit overage for the sell price |
Per Unit Sell OverageSplit | N | N | N | Per unit rep take of the overage on the order |
Per Unit Sell Price | N | N | N | Sell price per unit |
Per Unit Sell Profit | N | N | N | Per unit profit for the sell price |
Phase ID | N | N | N | Behind the scenes ID for the phase in OASIS |
Phase Name | Y | Y | N | Phase name of the quote |
PO Commission | N | N | Y | Commission of all orders |
PO Earnings | N | N | Y | Earnings of all orders |
PO Entry Date | N | Y | N | Date the order(s) from this quote were entered. |
PO Numbers | Y | Y | N | PO Number of all orders |
PO Overage | N | N | Y | Overage of all orders |
PO OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Overage split of all orders |
PO Paid | N | N | Y | Amount paid of all orders |
PO Profit | N | N | Y | Profit of all orders |
PO Received | N | N | Y | Amount received of all orders |
PO Sell | N | N | Y | Sell value of all orders |
Product Type | Y | N | N | Product type established on the manufacturer part list |
Project | Y | Y | N | Name of the related project |
Project ID | N | N | N | Behind the scenes ID for the Project in OASIS |
Project Name | Y | Y | N | Name of the related project including phase name |
Quantity | N | N | N | Quantity quoted |
Quote ID | Y | Y | N | Behind the scenes ID for the Quote in OASIS |
Quote Internal Notes | Y | Y | N | Notes added to the project for internal use only |
Quote Line Internal Note | Y | Y | N | Internal notes on a line |
Quote Line Note | Y | Y | N | External notes on a line |
Quote Locked | Y | Y | N | Checkbox that adjusts the settings of the quote preventing other nonadmin users from opening or viewing the quote |
Quote Notes | N | Y | N | Notes from the external notes tab on the quote |
Quote Number | Y | Y | N | Number assigned to the quote in OASIS |
Quote Total Base | N | N | Y | Total for the base column on the quote |
Quote Total Cost | N | N | Y | Total price from the factory in factory currency |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Commission | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Commission for the sell price |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Earnings | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Commission + Overage + Profit |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Overage | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Overage for the sell price |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Overage Split | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Rep take of the overage on the order |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Price | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Sell price column value |
Quote Total Customer Assigned Profit | N | N | Y | Based on customer assignment: Profit for the sell price |
Quote Total Level 1 | N | N | Y | Total customer sell price - Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 1 Commission | N | N | Y | Total commission for the sell price - Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 1 Earnings | N | N | Y | Total Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 1 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Total rep take of the overage on the order - Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 1 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Total overage for the sell price - Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 1 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Total profit for the sell price - Level 1 |
Quote Total Level 2 | N | N | Y | Total customer sell price - Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 2 Commission | N | N | Y | Total commission for the sell price - Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 2 Earnings | N | N | Y | Total Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 2 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Total rep take of the overage on the order - Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 2 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Total overage for the sell price - Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 2 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Total profit for the sell price - Level 2 |
Quote Total Level 3 | N | N | Y | Total customer sell price - Level 3 |
Quote Total Level 3 Commission | N | N | Y | Total commission for the sell price - Level 3 |
Quote Total Level 3 Earnings | N | N | Y | Total Commission + OverageSplit + Profit at Level 3 |
Quote Total Level 3 OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Total rep take of the overage on the order - Level 3 |
Quote Total Level 3 Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Total overage for the sell price - Level 3 |
Quote Total Level 3 Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Total profit for the sell price - Level 3 |
Quote Total OBase | N | N | Y | Total for the Obase column on the quote |
Quote Total Sell | N | N | Y | Total for the sell price column on the quote |
Quote Total Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Total profit for the sell price on the quote |
Quote Type | Y | Y | N | Denotes the type of quote |
Quote Year | Y | Y | N | Year the quote was created |
Quoted Customers | Y | Y | N | Customer(s) of the job |
Quoter | Y | Y | N | Quoter for the project (orginator of pricing) |
Rank | Y | Y | N | User set field denoting priority or importance of the quote to the company |
Remarks | N | Y | N | Remarks manually entered on the quote Notes tab |
Representative | Y | Y | N | Representative(s) of the job |
Representative Splits | Y | Y | N | Representative splits on the general tab |
Request for Approval Date | N | Y | N | Request for Approval Date |
Resell Company | Y | Y | N | Resell Company ID |
Sales Account | Y | Y | N | Sales account on the project |
Sales Account(List) | N | Y | N | Sales account on the project (including %) |
Sell | N | N | Y | Sell price column value |
Sell Commission | N | N | Y | Commission for the sell price |
Sell Commission Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of commission for the sell price |
Sell Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission + OverageSplit + Profit |
Sell Gross Profit Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of total earnings for the sell price |
Sell Overage | N | N | Y | Overage for the sell price |
Sell OverageSplit | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order |
Sell Profit | N | N | Y | Profit for the sell price |
Sell TerritoryEarnings | N | N | Y | Earnings for the sell price - territory take |
Specification Registration | Y | Y | N | Is this project a specification to be registered with the manufacturer's for split agency credit? |
Specification Status | Y | Y | N | Specification status |
Specified Project | Y | Y | N | Were items represented by this company specified on the project |
Specified Project Percentage | N | N | Y | Percentage of total parts on quote that were specified on the job |
Specifier Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Assigned person to the specifier(s) of the job |
Specifier Role | Y | Y | N | Specifier role list not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifier Role(All) | Y | Y | N | Specifier role list including direct and indirect customer |
Specifier_Agency | Y | Y | N | Agency list |
Specifier_Architect | Y | Y | N | Architect list |
Specifier_Contractor | Y | Y | N | Contractor list |
Specifier_Designer | Y | Y | N | Designer list |
Specifier_Distributor | Y | Y | N | Distributor list |
Specifier_End Customer | Y | Y | N | End Customer list |
Specifier_Engineer | Y | Y | N | Engineer list |
Specifier_Lightfair 07 | Y | Y | N | Lightfair 07 list |
Specifier_Manufacturer | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer list |
Specifier_Owner | Y | Y | N | Owner list |
Specifier_Pros-DIST | Y | Y | N | Pros-DIST list |
Specifier_Pros-MFR | Y | Y | N | Pros-MFR list |
Specifier_Pros-SA | Y | Y | N | Pros-SA list |
Specifier_Pros-UKT | Y | Y | N | Pros-UKT list |
Specifier_UKT | Y | Y | N | UKT list |
Specifier_Vendor | Y | Y | N | Vendor list |
Specifiers | Y | Y | N | Specifier list not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifiers With Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Specifier list (including contact name) not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifiers(All) | Y | Y | N | Specifier list including direct and indirect customer |
Specifiers(All) With Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Specifier list (including contact name) including direct and indirect customer |
Start Date | N | Y | N | Date user estimates the job will begin |
Status | Y | Y | N | Quote status |
Update Date | N | Y | N | Last date the project was updated |
Update User | Y | Y | N | Last user to update the project |
Valuation | N | N | Y | User estimated value of the job |
Vendor Invoiced | N | N | Y | Amount invoiced of vendor orders |
Vertical Market | Y | Y | N | User set field denoting the vertical market of the quote to the company |
Winning Customer | Y | Y | N | Customer who is purchasing the job |
Winning Customer ID | Y | Y | N | Customer who is purchasing the job - ID |
Winning Indirect Customer | Y | Y | N | Winning Indirect Customer on the job |
Workgroup | Y | Y | N | Workgroup the transaction is assigned to |
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