This article provides descriptions for the fields available in the Customizable Order Listing - Line Level Report. For more information about how to build this report, click here. Note: these fields are also applicable to any line-level order report that has the "Customize" option available. For a full list of reports, click here.
- Field Name- the name of the field
- Group- whether the field can be grouped
- Split- whether the field can be split using the "Adjust Values" checkbox
- Total- whether the field can be totaled
- Field Descriptions- the description of the field
A column with an "N" represents "No", whereas a column with a "Y" represents "Yes."
Field Name | Group | Split | Total | Field Descriptions |
***** Row Break ***** | N | N | N | Inserts a row break between fields on the report |
Account Number | Y | Y | N | Customer's account number with the Vendor |
Architect | Y | Y | N | Name of Architect(s) on the Job |
ASO | Y | Y | N | Internal OASIS number identifying the order (A sales order number) |
Bid Name | Y | Y | N | Bid Name of Project |
Bill Now | Y | Y | N | Bill now check indicating order should be invoiced by agency |
Billable | N | N | Y | Amount of order not invoiced |
BillableEarnings | N | N | Y | Amount of earnings on hold and earnings not invoiced |
BuyPrice | N | N | Y | Total price from the factory in factory currency |
Canceled | Y | Y | N | Is the entire order canceled; have canceled lines; or is the line canceled |
Canceled Buy Price | N | N | Y | Total Canceled price from the factory in factory currency |
Canceled Commission | N | N | Y | Canceled Rep Commission |
Canceled Earnings | N | N | Y | Amount of earnings canceled |
Canceled Overage | N | N | Y | Amount of overage canceled |
Canceled Overage Split | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order that was canceled |
Canceled Profit | N | N | Y | Canceled profit added to the landed buy price |
Canceled Sell Price | N | N | Y | Amount of sell that was canceled |
Canceled Territory Comm Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled commission credit |
Canceled Territory Comm+Over Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled Commission Credit + Overage Credit |
Canceled Territory Earnings Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled territory earnings credit |
Canceled Territory Overage Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled territory overage credit including split |
Canceled Territory Sales Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled territory sales credit |
Carrier Code | Y | Y | N | Order carrier code(s) |
Close Receivable | Y | Y | N | Checkbox indicating that order's invoices have been fully paid |
Close Sales | Y | Y | N | Checkbox indicating if order fully invoiced |
Commission | N | N | Y | Rep Commission |
Commission % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the commission |
Commission + Overage | N | N | Y | Total of Commission + Overage |
Commission Open | N | N | Y | Commission not received |
CommissionAndOverageSplit | N | N | Y | Commission + Overage Split |
Commissioned | Y | Y | N | Is this a commissioned order? |
Consolidated | Y | Y | N | Is this a consolidated order? |
Contractor | Y | Y | N | Contractor(s) involved with the job |
Contractor Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Assigned person to the contractor of the job on order |
Create Date | N | Y | N | Date order was created |
Create User | Y | Y | N | User who created the order |
CSR | Y | Y | N | CSR for the order |
Customer | Y | Y | N | Direct Customer |
Customer Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Customer's Assigned Salesman |
Customer Contact | Y | Y | N | Contact person at the customer |
Customer ID | Y | Y | N | Direct Customer - ID |
Customer Invoice Date | Y | Y | N | Customer Invoice Date |
Customer Invoice List | Y | Y | N | Customer invoice number(s) for order |
Customer Invoiced | N | N | Y | Amount invoiced to customer |
Customer PO# | Y | Y | N | Sell PO (customer PO#)- Resell only |
DBID | Y | Y | N | OASIS Database ID |
Delta Date | N | Y | N | Last delta change date for line |
Delta Hold Sell Price | N | N | Y | sell price held |
Delta Month | Y | Y | N | Delta date by month for line |
Delta Release Sell Price | N | N | Y | Customer sell price |
Delta Year | Y | Y | N | Delta date by month for line |
DontShipBefore | Y | Y | N | Do Not Ship Before Date |
Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission/Overage (Vendor/Commission order) & Profit (Customer order) |
Earnings % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the Earnings |
Engineer | Y | Y | N | Engineer(s) Associated with the Job |
EntryDate | N | Y | N | Order entry date- Manually Keyed Different than create date |
EntryMonth | Y | Y | N | Order entry date - Year/Month |
EntryYear | Y | Y | N | Year of the order entry date |
FixtureType | Y | Y | N | Item fixture type |
Freight Allowed | Y | Y | N | User's assertion whether bill of material met MFG freight policy |
GrossProfit % | N | N | Y | Total profit as a percentage |
Hold Buy Price | N | N | Y | Total price of hold items from the factory in factory currency |
Hold Commission | N | N | Y | Rep Commission on hold items |
Hold Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission/Overage (Vendor/Commission order) & Profit (Customer order) on hold items |
Hold Net Price | N | N | Y | Base or "net" price of hold orders |
Hold Overage | N | N | Y | Overage added to net price of hold items |
Hold Overage Split | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the hold items of the order |
Hold Profit | N | N | Y | Profit of hold items added to the landed buy price |
Hold Sell Price | N | N | Y | Customer sell price of hold items |
HPR | Y | Y | N | Is this a hold, partial, or release |
Line Sales Account(List) | N | Y | N | Sales account on the line of the order (including %) |
LineUID | Y | Y | N | Internal unique OASIS number identifying an individual order line |
Lot Price Order | Y | Y | N | Order with "Lot Net Billing" checked |
Manufacturer (list) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand |
Manufacturer Contact | Y | Y | N | Contact person at the manufacturer |
Manufacturer ID (list) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand - ID |
Manufacturer Quote | Y | Y | N | Manfucturer's quote number for special pricing on BOM |
Mfg Product Type | Y | Y | N | Product Type on the Manufacturer |
MfgPartNumber | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer's Part Number |
NetPrice | N | N | Y | Base or "net" price - overage is added to this price |
Order Total Billable | N | N | Y | Amount of order not invoiced |
Order Total Buy Price | N | N | Y | Total price from the factory in factory currency |
Order Total Canceled Comm+Over Credit | N | N | Y | Canceeled Commission Credit + Overage Credit on the orders |
Order Total Canceled Territory Comm Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled Commission Credit + Canceled Overage Credit on the order |
Order Total Canceled Territory Over Credit | N | N | Y | Canceled territory overage credit including split |
Order Total Canceled Territory Sales Credit | N | N | Y | Total canceled territory sales credit on the order |
Order Total Comm+Over Credit | N | N | Y | Commission Credit + Overage Credit on the order |
Order Total Commission | N | N | Y | Total rep commission on the order |
Order Total Commission % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the commission on the order |
Order Total Commission + Overage | N | N | Y | Total of Commission + Overage |
Order Total Commission Open | N | N | Y | Total commission not received on the order |
Order Total Customer Invoiced | N | N | Y | Total amount invoiced to customer |
Order Total Earnings | N | N | Y | Commission+Overage+Profit - The total money earned on this order |
Order Total Earnings % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the earnings on the order |
Order Total Net Price | N | N | Y | Base or "net" price of the order |
Order Total Overage | N | N | Y | Order total overage added to net price |
Order Total Overage % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the overage on the order |
Order Total Overage Split | N | N | Y | Total rep take of the overage on the order |
Order Total Profit | N | N | Y | Total profit added to the landed buy price on the order |
Order Total Receivable | N | N | Y | Total earnings less any received on the order |
Order Total Received | N | N | Y | Total received on the order |
Order Total Sell Price | N | N | Y | Total customer sell price of the order |
Order Total Territory Comm Credit | N | N | Y | Commission Credit + Overage Credit on the order |
Order Total Territory Over Credit | N | N | Y | Territory overage credit including split |
Order Total Territory Sales Credit | N | N | Y | Total territory sales credit on the order |
Order Total Vendor Invoiced | N | N | Y | Total amount invoiced by Vendor |
Order Type | Y | Y | N | OASIS order type |
Our Quote | Y | Y | N | Quote number of converted quote |
Overage | N | N | Y | Overage added to net price |
Overage % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the Overage |
Overage Split | N | N | Y | Rep take of the overage on the order |
Paid | N | N | Y | Amount paid to vendor |
Parent Customer | Y | Y | N | Customer Parent or Headquarters |
Parent Manufacturer | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer or brand |
Part Description | Y | Y | N | Catalog number description |
PartNumber | Y | Y | N | Catalog Number |
Payable | N | N | Y | Amount left to pay vendor |
Per Unit Buy Price | N | N | N | Price per unit from the factory in factory currency |
Per Unit Commission | N | N | N | Rep Commission Per Unit |
Per Unit Net Price | N | N | N | Base or "net" price per unit - overage is added to this price |
Per Unit Over % | N | N | Y | Percentage of the Overage - per unit |
Per Unit Overage | N | N | N | Overage added to net price - per unit |
Per Unit OverageSplit | N | N | N | Rep take of the overage per unit on the order |
Per Unit Profit | N | N | N | Profit per unit added to the Landed buy price |
Per Unit Sell Price | N | N | N | Customer sell price per unit |
Percent Customer Invoiced | N | N | Y | Percent invoiced to customer |
Percent Vendor Invoiced | N | N | Y | Percent invoiced by Vendor |
PO Line Internal Notes | N | Y | N | PO internal note on line items |
PO Line Notes | N | Y | N | PO line notes |
PO Status | Y | Y | N | Status of order |
POID | Y | Y | N | Intenal unique OASIS number identifying an individual order |
PONumber | Y | Y | N | Transaction PO Number |
POURIs | Y | Y | Y | PO URIs |
Product Type | Y | N | N | Product type established on the manufacturer part list |
Profit | N | N | Y | Profit added to the landed buy price |
Project Name | Y | Y | N | Name of the related project |
Project Rank | Y | Y | N | Rank of the project related to the order |
Project Vertical Market | Y | Y | N | Vertical Market of the project related to the order |
PRONumber | Y | Y | N | Progressive (tracking) Number(s) |
Quantity | N | N | N | Quantity ordered |
QuantityHold | N | N | N | Quantity on hold |
QuantityReleased | N | N | N | Quantity released for shipment |
QuantityShipped | N | N | N | Quantity shipped |
Quoter | Y | Y | N | Quoter for the order (orginator of pricing) |
Receivable | N | N | Y | Earnings less any received |
Received | N | N | Y | Total received on the order |
Release Date | N | Y | N | Last release date for line |
Release Month | Y | Y | N | Release date by month for line |
Release Year | Y | Y | N | Release date by year for line |
RequiredOnSite | Y | Y | N | Date Material is Required on Site |
Resell Company ID | Y | Y | N | Resell Company ID |
RMA Catalog Numbers | Y | Y | N | Catalog numbers for RMA items on order |
RMA Number(s) | Y | Y | N | RMA request numbers for order |
RMA Response | Y | Y | N | Response to RMA |
Sales Account | Y | Y | N | Sales account on the order |
Sales Account(List) | N | Y | N | Sales account on the order (including %) |
ScheduleDate | N | Y | N | Order schedule ship date(s) |
Sell Price | N | N | Y | Customer sell price |
Ship City | Y | Y | N | Shipping address city |
Ship Country | Y | Y | N | Shipping address country |
Ship County | Y | Y | N | Ship to address county |
Ship Month | Y | Y | N | Ship date by month for line |
Ship State | Y | Y | N | Shipping address state |
Ship Updated Time | Y | Y | N | Shipping last updated time |
Ship Updated User | Y | Y | N | User who last updated the shipping info |
Ship Year | Y | Y | N | Ship date by year for line |
Ship ZIP code | Y | Y | N | Shipping address ZIP code |
ShipDate | N | Y | N | Date(s) item shipped |
Shipped % | N | N | N | Percentage of material shipped |
Shipping Line | N | Y | N | Shipping information for the line |
Shipping Location | Y | Y | N | Shipping Locations on the order |
Sold City | Y | Y | N | Sold to address city |
Sold Country | Y | Y | N | Sold to address country |
Sold County | Y | Y | N | Sold to address county |
Sold State | Y | Y | N | Sold to address state |
Sold Zip | Y | Y | N | Sold to address zip |
SONumber (List) | Y | Y | N | Manufacturer sales order number |
Specifier Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Assigned person to the specifier(s) of the job |
Specifier Distributor Contact Name | Y | Y | N | Specifier Distributor Contact Name list |
Specifier Role | Y | Y | N | Specifier role list not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifier Role Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Person assigned to a specifier of a given role |
Specifier Role(All) | Y | Y | N | Specifier role list including direct and indirect customer |
Specifier_Architect | Y | Y | N | Architect list |
Specifier_Contractor | Y | Y | N | Contractor list |
Specifier_Distributor | Y | Y | N | Distributor list |
Specifier_Engineer | Y | Y | N | Engineer list |
Specifier_Owner | Y | Y | N | Owner list |
Specifiers | Y | Y | N | Specifier list not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifiers With Assigned To | Y | Y | N | Specifier list (including contact name) not including direct and indirect customer |
Specifiers(All) | Y | Y | N | Specifier list including direct and indirect customer |
Target Date | N | Y | N | Target Date for the item to be shipped |
Territory Comm Credit | N | N | Y | Territory commission credit |
Territory Comm+Over Credit | N | N | Y | Commission Credit + Overage Credit |
Territory Commission % | N | N | Y | Agency commission percentage on the Order |
Territory Earnings Credit | N | N | Y | Territory earnings credit |
Territory Invoice Sales Credit | N | N | Y | Invoice territory sales credit |
Territory Net Credit | N | N | Y | Territory net credit |
Territory Overage % | N | N | Y | Business' Split of Overage amount |
Territory Overage Credit | N | N | Y | Territory overage credit including split |
Territory Sales % | N | N | Y | Territory's split of the order |
Territory Sales Credit | N | N | Y | Territory sales credit |
TerritorySplits | Y | Y | N | List of territories |
Transmit Date | N | Y | N | The date the order was sent to factory |
Update Date | N | Y | N | Last date the order was updated |
Update User | Y | Y | N | The most recent user who updated the order |
Vendor Billable | N | N | Y | Amount billable by Vendor |
Vendor Invoice Date | Y | Y | N | Vendor Invoice date |
Vendor Invoice List | Y | Y | N | Vendor invoice number(s) for order |
Vendor Invoiced | N | N | Y | Amount invoiced by Vendor |
Vendor PO# (list) | Y | Y | N | List of Vendor POs associated with the order - Resell only |
WorkGroup | Y | Y | N | Name of Workgroup this order was created in |
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