To set up Order Send, users must have completed the initial Elite manufacturer authorization. This document assumes that this process has been completed. For more information, click here.
Setting Up Order Send
1. Navigate to the "Configure Elite Connectivity" window.
2. Select the "Orders" tab.
3. Check the "Enable to Send Orders Direct" box.
4. Select "Save."
Required Information
All orders must include the Elite Lighting customer account number. Contact Elite Lighting if this information has not been sent to you.
Sending Orders to Elite Lighting
Sending an order to Elite Lighting is as easy as printing.
1. Locate the needed order and select "Print."
2. In the "Print PO" window, by default, when "OK" is selected, the "Sending data direct to manufacturer" window will appear. Note: to override, set the "Manufacturer Copy" field to "Sending Order" instead of "Send Direct."
3. Review the order. Once information has been reviewed, select "Send Now."
4. An OASIS order email screen will appear. The PDF you normally send to Elite Lighting will be attached. In addition, the Subject, From, To, and email content body will contain the information Elite Lighting requires.
5. Select "Send."
6. Once complete, "Successfully sent transaction to factory" will appear under "Sending Order to Elite Lighting."
7. Close the window to return to the order.
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