The Manage Shipping Performance Report allows users to track and report on aggregate shipping times for manufacturers by order type. Users can set a specific timeframe to view the minimum, maximum, and average number of days the items took to ship after scheduling.
The report then analyzed this data to suggest what lead times should be used to estimate future shipping dates and allows users to make these changes to manufacturer-configured lead times directly from the report window.
This article will explain how to run the Manage Shipping Performance Report. Note: this report cannot be saved to the Reports page.
Setting Up The Report
1. Navigate to the Orders page.
2. Click Reports, then select Manage Shipping Performance from the drop-down list.
3. The Manage Shipping Performance window will appear.
The General Tab
Use this tab to define the parameters of the report.
- Timeframe- the date range the report should consider
- Run by manufacturer shipping program- run the results based on the manufacturer shipping program set up in the manufacturer entry
- Use invoice data (not shipping records)- run the results of the report based on invoice date rather than when shipping information is entered into the shipping toolbar
- Active Manufacturers- run the results of the report for active manufacturers only
The Selection Tab
Use this tab to filter the report. For a list of field definitions for each tab, click here.
Reviewing & Updating Manufacturer Lead Times
On the General tab, click Update.
The report will populate within the Manage Shipping Performance window with the following columns for all report parameter selections:
- MFG- the manufacturer's name
- OrderType- the configured order type for the order being considered
- Count- the total number of lines being considered for the respective order type
- Min/Max/Avg- the respective number of days from the release date to the ship date
- StdDev- a measure of deviance from the average number of days from release date to ship date
- EST Err Min/Max/Avg- the respective delta on the estimated date to ship date
- Suggested- the lead time suggested based on delta and standard deviation (StdDev)
If running the report based on invoice data and/or active manufacturers, an additional column will show:
- Setting- the Order Type Lead Time configured in the manufacturer entry. Users can change the number of days from this column. This column does not print.
If running the report based on the manufacturer shipping program, additional columns will show:
- Set Order Type- the Order Type Lead Time configured in the manufacturer entry. Users can change the number of days from this column. This column does not print.
- Set Program Type- the lead time associated with the Manufacturer Shipping Program configured in the manufacturer entry. Users can change the number of days from this column. This column does not print. Note: this column will be grayed out when manufacturer shipping program lead times are not entered into the manufacturer's terms.
To modify the lead times configured in the manufacturer entry from the column changes made in the Manage Shipping Performance Report, click Save.
Printing The Report
To print the report, select an Output To type and click Print.
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