If the customer decides they do not wish to purchase the items they have already ordered from the manufacturer, users may perform a cancellation request to cancel the entire order. This creates a cancellation request, and the manufacturer may or may not accept this cancellation and may apply restock fees. Note: this process is different from cancelling a line on an order. For more information, click here.
For more information on reverting a cancellation, click here.
1. Navigate to the Orders page.
2. Open the needed order.
3. Select "Action."
4. Select "Cancel Order."
5. The "Request Order Cancellation" window will appear.
6. Select the "Items" tab.
7. In the "Sel" column, check the boxes corresponding the items to be canceled. Note: select "All" to cancel all items in the quote.
8. Select an "Output to" field.
9. Select the "Reason" tab.
10. In the "Reason for return" area, explain why the item order is being canceled.
11. Locate the drop-down menu on the right side of the window.
12. If the item has not yet been shipped to the customer, select "Not Shipped" from the drop-down list.
11. Select "Print."
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