Several manufacturers use P2P Pricing in OASIS to deliver pricing to agents. This article will explain how to set up P2P Pricing for a manufacturer.
- Users must have Admin access to PLU.
- Users must have Admin access to Manufacturers.
- Users must contact OASIS Support to retrieve the P2P password for the needed brand.
Brands with P2P Pricing Connectivity:
Note: Barron requires a different P2P setup with unique credentials per brand. Learn more about Setting Up P2P Pricing for Barron Brands.
Setting Up the Price List
1. Navigate to the Manufacturers page, then select Pricing from the drop-down list.
2. Open the manufacturer entry.
3. Delete any existing price lists. To delete a price list, click to the left of the price list to select it, click File, then select Delete from the drop-down list.
4. With the manufacturer selected, click File, hover over New, then select New Price List from the drop-down list.
5. The Price List Editor will appear.
6. On the Level Names tab, enter a label for Level1 and Level2.
7. Under the Search Paths section, assign at least one level to the Order Path and Quote Path.
8. On the Workgroup Access tab, define quote and order access for each workgroup.
9. Click Save and close.
Configuring P2P Connectivity
1. Navigate to the Manufacturers page.
2. Open the manufacturer entry.
3. The Manufacturer Editor window will appear.
4. On the General tab, select P2P from the Specialization drop-down list.
5. Click Configure Specialization.
6. The P2P Specialization Configuration window will appear.
7. Enter the P2P Company, P2P Brand, and P2P Password provided in the manufacturer's pricing credentials help article:
Note: Barron requires a different P2P setup with unique credentials per brand. Learn more about Setting Up P2P Pricing for Barron Brands.
8. On the Features tab, check Use Dynamic Pricing From This Manufacturer.
9. Click Refresh P2P Authorizations.
10. Click Save, then click Save and close to close the Manufacturer Editor window.
11. Restart OASIS.
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