Users can create a new submittal from scratch from the Submittals page in O4. For more information about creating a submittal from a project or order in O4, click here.
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Submittals from the drop-down list.
3. Click File, then select New Submittal from the drop-down list.
4. The New Submittal page will appear.
5. Enter general information about the submittal. Note: if the submittal is related to an existing project in OASIS, it is recommended to create a new submittal like. For more information, click here.
- Project- the associated project name
- Location- the city & state of the project
- Submitted On- the date the submittal package will be submitted
- Submitted By- the user who submitted the submittal
- Bid Date- the bid date of the project
6. Click .
7. Click to add specifiers to the submittal. Click the top field that appears to select the customer entry, then click the bottom right field to select a contact. Note: users can add up to two specifiers.
8. Click .
9. Enter remarks or notes related to the submittal. Note: remarks will print at the top of the transmittal whereas notes will appear below the bill of material on the transmittal.
10. Click .
11. The Submittal Editor will appear. For more information about building the submittal, click here.
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