Support Tokens allow OASIS Support to log in to your O4 instance and troubleshoot issues without requiring a user's email and password. This article will explain how to generate a Support Token in O4 for yourself and another user. Caution: Only create a Support Token if instructed by OASIS Support. Do not share the token with anyone else.
Generating a Support Token for Yourself
1. Click , then select About OASIS from the drop-down list.
2. The About OASIS page will appear.
3. Click Support, then select Generate Support Token from the drop-down list.
4. The Generate Support Token pop-up will appear.
5. Enter a number into the Number of hours token is valid field. If you're unsure how long the token should remain valid, ask your assisting OASIS Support team member.
6. Click .
7. The Support Tokens section will appear, listing the token, its creation date, and its expiration date.
8. Click .
9. Paste the token in an emailed response to OASIS Support.
Generating a Support Token for Another User
- User must have Admin access to Users.
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Configuration from the drop-down list.
3. Click Users.
4. The Users Listing will appear.
5. Open a user in the listing.
6. The User Viewer will appear. Click to edit the entry.
7. On the Support Tokens tab, click .
8. The token will appear, listing the expiration and creation date. Use the Name field to identify the token's purpose, if needed.
9. Copy the token and paste it in response to OASIS Support.
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