Once a sample is checked out, O4 allows users to drop a sample off with a client. Users may select the customer who is viewing the sample and add any notes related to the sample. This article will explain how to drop off a sample in O4. Learn how to pick up a sample once it's dropped off.
1. Select the logo.
2. Select "Samples" from the drop-down menu.
3. Open the needed Sample.
4. Select "Check In/Drop Off."
5. A new page will appear.
6. Select "Drop Off" from the drop-down list.
7. User may upload a photo of the sample by selecting . Note: this is optional.
8. Select .
9. The Samples Drop Off page will appear.
10. Define the checkout user, drop off location, and any notes related to the sample. Note: if the user is within a mile of a customer's geotagged location, the customer will automatically be selected as the drop off location. For more information about geotagging a customer, click here.
11. The sample will now be dropped off and users will be redirected to the Samples Listing page.
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