The Submittal Editor provides users with the necessary tools to build a professional submittal package. This article will explain the various tabs and sections within the Submittal Editor in O4.
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Submittals from the drop-down list.
3. The Submittal Listing will appear.
4. Create a submittal or open an existing submittal. Note: For more information about creating a submittal from scratch, click here. For more information about creating a submittal from an existing project or order, click here.
5. The Submittal Editor will appear.
The General Tab
Use this tab to view general information about the submittal and its specifiers. Click to edit the General tab.
General Information
This section will list identifying information for the submittal.
- Project Name- the name of the submittal
- Workgroup- the workgroup the submittal is assigned to
- Location- the city & state of the job site
- Submittal Footer- text that appears in the footer on the submittal print
- Front and Back- if Y, the submittal will print front and back
- Bid Date- the bid date for the submittal's project
- Submitted On- the date the submittal was sent
- Submitted By- the user submitting the submittal
This section will list the specifiers for the submittal. Users may add up to two specifiers.
The Items Tab
The items tab will display the bill of material and its cut sheets. Click to edit the bill of material and add cut sheets from the Cut Sheet Library.
The Bill of Material
The bill of material displays the line items including quantity, type, manufacturer, part, and cut sheets. Users can highlight the cut sheets once they are placed in the Pages column. For more information about highlighting a cut sheet in O4, click here.
Action buttons in the toolbar make building the bill of material more efficient:
- undo action
- redo action
- copy the selected text
- paste the copied text
- move row(s) up
- move row(s) down
- add new row above
- remove selected row
The Cut Sheet Library
The Cut Sheet Library displays each manufacturer listed in the bill of material. It is divided into three tabs: Manufacturer, Catalog, and Template.
The Manufacturer Tab
The Manufacturer tab is used to pull in cut sheets from the manufacturers currently listed in the bill of material. Click to open a manufacturer to view it's sections, catalogs, and individual cut sheets. Note: the Cut Sheet Library will only show the cut sheets that are loaded into the Cut Sheet page of OASIS. For more information, click here.
1. Click a manufacturer to open it. Its catalogs will appear.
2. Click a catalog to open it. Its sections will appear.
3. Click a section to open it. Its cut sheets will appear.
4. Click and hold down on a cut sheet or page, then drag it to the appropriate line in the bill of material into the Pages column. Users will see their cursor appear as to indicate the page can be dropped.
Cut sheets will appear differently depending on its characteristics.
- the page has not been viewed.
- the page has been viewed.
- the page has been highlighted. For more information, click here.
- the page has been archived. For more information, click here.
The Catalog Tab
The Catalog tab is used to search for pages or parts numbers (if learned) from the Cut Sheets page in OASIS, regardless if the manufacturer is entered into the bill of material. For more information about learning highlighted in O4, click here.
The Templates Tab
The Templates tab is used to pull in a Blank Page or a BOM Only page.
- Blank Page- used to separate pages or as a placeholder
- BOM Only- used to print the line on the transmittal's bill of material without needing a cut sheet or blank page on the line. For more information about printing a submittal in O4, click here.
The Filter Manufacturers checkbox filters the Cut Sheet Library to show only the manufacturers that are entered in the bill of material. To view all manufacturer cut sheets, uncheck this box.
The Notes Tab
Enter remarks or notes for the submittal. Click to save.
- Remarks- prints at the top of the transmittal
- Notes- prints below the bill of material on the transmittal
The Attachments Tab
View or upload attachments for the submittal. For more information about using the Attachments tab in O4, click here.
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