The O4 Quote Backlog helps users identify backlogged quotes at the line level. Once identified, users can remove them from the backlog by creating orders for the remaining open lines or changing the quote status to Lost or Abandoned. Quote will also age off the report 12 months after the bid date or when the quote has not been updated for 3 months.
Quote statuses must be configured in Legacy OASIS. The following As Order classifications for a quote status will impact the O4 Quote Backlog in the following ways:
- Ignore (I)- quote is not considered
- Win (W)- removes quote from quote backlog if all lines have been ordered
- Loss (L)- removes quote from quote backlog
- Unknown (U)- places quote on the quote backlog
When quotes are in a win status (As Order "W"), option codes in the BOM will impact the O4 Quote Backlog in the following ways:
- Option- considered backlogged
- Pending- ignored
- Win- considered backlogged until ordered
- Lost- ignored
- Abandoned- ignored
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Projects from the drop-down list.
3. The Project Listing will appear.
4. Click Tools, then Quote Backlog from the drop-down list. Note: if you do not see the Quote Backlog option, please contact OASIS Support by email at or by phone at 501-843-6750.
5. The Quote Backlog Page will appear. By default, it will look at quotes that are Active and ActiveWithReleases broken out by quotes status.
- Active- a quote with no ordered lines
- ActiveWithReleases- a quote with at least one ordered line
6. Click View to select a new grouping.
7. Click File to print the report to XLS.
Drilling into the Quote Backlog
The Quote Backlog allows users to view the quotes that are being calculated and each quote's backlogged lines. Users can also open the transaction from this report.
1. Click a cell to view the individual quotes that are being calculated.
2. Click a quote to view its open lines.
3. Click a line to open the quote in O4.
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