The Shipping Notification Tile updates nightly and provides emailed shipping updates on orders to internal staff and customers. This article will explain how to create a Shipping Notification Tile in O4.
- User must have Reports access to Reports.
- The Shipping Notification Tile will only consider orders that:
- Are not closed
- Are within the shipment window defined in global settings
Creating the Tile
1. Navigate to the O4 Home Page.
2. Click the Tiles menu, then select Create from the drop-down list.
4. The Create Tiles page will appear. Click the Shipping Notification tile.
5. The Creating Shipping Notification Tile page will appear. This page is divided into two sections: Visual Details and Filters.
Visual Details
Use this section to define the tile's display information.
1. Enter a display name into the Tile's Display Name field. If you do not enter a display name, the tile will appear as "New Shipping Notification Tile" by default.
2. Select the page where the tile should be displayed using the Tile Location drop-down list.
3. To create and display this tile for other users, enter User IDs into the Create Tile For Other Users field. Skip this step if you are creating this tile for yourself.
4. Define the email recipients for the tile's shipping updates by checking one or both checkboxes.
- Send OASIS User Updates- email each user identified in the Create Tile For Other Users field whenever shipping updates are available.
- Send Customer Shipping Updates- email the contact listed for the order's customer whenever shipping updates are available. NOTE: this setting requires the O4 Customer Portal.
Use this section to filter the orders considered for this tile. Filters are not required.
- CSRs- only consider orders where the CSR is a specific user
- Workgroups- only consider orders created within a specific workgroup
Once the tile's setup is complete, click . After the tile has been created, it can be edited anytime.
Viewing the Tile
The tile will appear once a scan of all orders is completed. Once completed, the tile will display the number of emails queued to send to the tile's recipient group(s). The tile will update nightly to identify updates for the following day's email routine. Read more about viewing the Shipping Notification Tile.
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