The Quote Follow Up Tile updates nightly to provide a list of active quotes for users to follow up on throughout the week. This article will explain how to create a Quote Follow Up Tile.
- User must have Reports access to Reports.
- The Quote Follow Up Tile will only consider quotes that:
- Are not expired
- Are in an unknown quote status
- Have been sent to the customer
Creating the Tile
1. Navigate to the O4 Home Page.
2. Click the Tiles menu, then select Create from the drop-down list.
4. The Create Tiles page will appear. Click the Quote Follow Up tile.
5. The Creating Quote Follow Up Tile page will appear. This page is divided into three sections: Visual Details, Data Source, and Filters.
Visual Details
Use this section to define the tile's display information.
1. Enter a display name into the Tile's Display Name field. If you do not enter a display name, the tile will appear as "New Quote Follow up Tile" by default.
2. Select the page where the tile should be displayed using the Tile Location drop-down list.
3. To create and display this tile for other users, enter User IDs into the Create Tile For Other Users field. Skip this step if you are creating this tile for yourself.
4. Check Receive Internal Recap Email to email each user identified in the Create Tile For Other Users field a list of quotes to follow up on. Note: use the Frequency field in the next section to define how often the email should be sent.
Data Source
Use this section to define the type and frequency of quote follow-ups the tile should facilitate.
1. Select the type of follow-up using the Data Source drop-down field.
- Quotes Last Week- follow up on quotes with a bid date of seven days ago
- Expiring Quotes- follow up on quotes that are expiring within seven days
- Bi-Weekly Quote Follow Up- follow up on quotes with a bid date of 14 days ago
- Monthly Quote Follow Up- follow up on quotes with a bid date of 30 days ago
- Bi-Monthly Quote Follow Up- follow up on quotes with a bid date of 60 days ago
2. Select the frequency of internal recap emails using the Frequency drop-down field.
Use this section to filter the orders considered for this tile. Filters are not required.
1. Enter sales accounts into the Sales field, then refine the filter by checking one or more checkboxes. At least one checkbox is required to apply the Sales filter.
- My Specifiers- filter for quotes that have a specifier on the General tab of the quote that is assigned to the sales account(s) identified in the Sales filter
- My Sales Account- filter for quotes that have the sales account(s) identified in the Sales filter listed on the General tab of the quote
- My Direct Customer- filter for quotes that have a direct customer assigned to the sales accounts identified in the Sales filter
- My Indirect Customer- filter for quotes that have an indirect assigned to the sales accounts identified in the Sales filter
2. Use the remaining filters to refine the quotes considered in the tile's calculations.
- Quoters- filter for quotes that have a specifier user as the quoter
- Workgroups- filter for quotes created in a specific workgroup
- Min Pricing Amounts- filter for quotes that have a minimum sell, level 1, level 2, or level 3 amount
- Max Pricing Amounts- filter for quotes that have a maximum sell, level 1, level 2, or level 3 amount
Once the tile's setup is complete, click . After the tile has been created, it can be edited anytime.
Viewing the Tile
The tile will appear once all active, unknown quotes are scanned. Once completed, the tile will display the number of quotes identified for follow-up. Read more about viewing the Quote Follow Up Tile.
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