O4 makes it easy to manage tiles for editing and troubleshooting. This article will explain:
- Editing Tiles
- Accessing a Tile's Batch Job
- Reading Tile Tooltips
Learn more about O4 Tiles and how to create them.
Editing Tiles
Tiles can be edited anytime to account for business needs and personnel shifts. Changes to the tile's visual details should apply immediately. However, changes made to its data source, calculation details, or filters may not apply until the tile's batch job performs an update.
Navigating the Edit Tiles Page
The Edit Tiles page displays general information for every active tile in the database and allows users to edit or delete a tile.
1. Navigate to the O4 Home Page.
2. Click Tiles, then select Edit from the drop-down list.
3. The Edit Tiles page will appear. Each tile will display general information about the tile and its batch job:
- Created On- the date and time the tile was created
- Updated On- the date and time the tile was last updated
- Internal ID- the internal ID associated with the tile
- Batch Job- the internal batch job name running the tile
Two options are available for each tile:
- Edit Tile- select this button to edit tile settings
- Delete Tile- select this button to delete the tile
4. Use the Tiles drop-down to filter by tile type or the Users drop-down for tiles created by a specific user.
Editing Tiles From the Tile's Detail View
Users can quickly access the tile's edit page directly from its detail view.
1. Click a tile to open its detail view.
2. Click Edit Tile in the upper-left corner of the screen to edit tile settings.
Accessing the Tile's Batch Job
Users can quickly access a tile's batch job from the tile's edit screen. Users must have Admin access to Software to view batch jobs. Note: this section simply identifies these steps as a shortcut to accessing the tile's batch job. To learn about viewing and editing batch jobs, read our O4 Batch Technology help article.
1. From the tile's edit screen, click Batch Jobs, then select Edit from the drop-down list.
2. The Batch Job Viewer will appear.
Reading Tile Tooltips
Tiles indicate their batch job's status using font formatting applied to the tile face's Update Date and tooltips. The Update Date appears directly below the tile's Display Name. Hover your mouse cursor over the Update Date to trigger the tooltip.
Normal Update Date
If the Update Date is black and "regular" (not italicized), the tile's batch job is running on time and performing updates as expected. No tooltip will be available.
Black Italicized Update Date
If the Update Date is black and italicized, the tile's batch job is delayed but expected to run after hours when resources are available to execute the update. The Update Date tooltip will read, "Tile will run after hours."
This formatting only applies to tiles with a batch job with a run time of one day or greater (Time Pattern: Delay = 1440+). O4 allows a delay time of up to three days after the first scheduled run before considering the batch job overdue (formatting for overdue tiles is explained next).
Red Italicized Update Date
If the Update Date is red and italicized, the tile's batch job may be:
- Disabled if it has a tooltip that reads "Tile is disabled"
- Not found if it has a tooltip that reads "Tile run data could not be found"
- Overdue to run if it has a tooltip that reads "Tile is x minutes overdue," where "x" equals the number of minutes since the batch job was last scheduled to run
There is a delay period of (3 x batch job's run time) before identifying the tile as overdue. For example, if the batch job runs every 5 minutes (Time Pattern: Delay = 5) and it's been 17 minutes since the last tile update, the tooltip will read, "Tile is 2 minutes overdue" since the delay period of 15 minutes (3 x 5) is not considered as time the tile is overdue.
For tiles with red italicized text, please contact OASIS Support for troubleshooting.
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