The Win/Loss Tile allows users to track their won, lost, and unknown quotes. Users can filter quotes by customer, sales account, project rank, quoter, and more. This article will explain how to create a Win/Loss Tile in O4.
- User must have Reports access to Reports.
- The As Order column should be configured before creating the tile.
Creating the Tile
1. Navigate to the O4 Home Page.
2. Click the Tiles menu, then select Create from the drop-down list.
3. The Create Tiles page will appear. Click the Win/Loss tile.
4. The Creating Win/Loss Tile page will appear. This page is divided into two sections: Visual Details and Calculation Details.
Visual Details
Use this section to define the tile's display information.
1. Enter a display name into the Tile's Display Name field. If you do not enter a display name, the tile will appear as "Win/Loss" by default.
3. To create this tile for other users, enter User IDs into the Create Tile For Other Users field. If do not want to see this tile after its created, check the Don't Create Tile For Yourself checkbox.
4. Select the page where the tile should display using the Tile location drop-down.
Calculation Details
Use this section to enter the data points that are considered during the tile's calculations and filter the quotes that are displayed in the tile. Filters are not required.
1. Customize settings as needed.
- Offset Months- the number of months in the past (based on the current month) for quotes to be considered based on the bid date of the active bid. Offsetting months can help ensure that the data is accurate by allowing sufficient time for the win/loss status to be determined.
- Use Original Bid Date- if checked, the tile will base the Offset Months on the first bid date within a phase rather than the bid date on the active bid.
- Quote Level- the pricing column used when calculating a quote's win value.
- Min Value- filter quotes that do not meet a minimum quote value based on the Quote Level selection.
- Max Value- filter quotes that do not meet a maximum quote value based on the Quote Level selection.
2. Click to open the Filters group and for each subsequent grouping, Header Level and Line Level, to add filters. Filters are not required.
Header Level Filters
- Rank- show bids for projects that have a specific project rank
- Quoter- show bids where the quoter is a specific user
- Sales Account- show bids where a specific sales account is assigned
- CSR- show bids where the CSR is a specific user
- CustomerAssignedTo- show bids where a direct customer is assigned to a specific sales account
- ContractorAssignedTo- show bids where an indirect customer is assigned to a specific sales account
- Customer- show bids that have a specific customer as the direct customer
- Parent Customer- show bids where the direct customer is a child of a specific parent customer
- Contractor- show bids that have a specific customer as the indirect customer
- Representative- show bids that have a specific representative
- Specifiers- show bids that have a specific specifier
- Specifier Role- show bids that have a specifier of a specific customer role
- Workgroup- show bids within a specific workgroup
Line Level Filters
- Manufacturer- show bids that quote a specific manufacturer in the bill of material
- Parent Manufacturer- show bids that quote a child brand of a specific parent brand in the bill of material
When the tile's setup is complete, click . After the tile has been created, it can be edited at any time.
Viewing the Tile
Once the tile has generated data, the tile will update weekly and display a snapshot of win, loss, and unknown counts compared to the previous year.
Read more about viewing the Win/Loss Tile.
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