The Quote Monitor Tile tracks specific quote issues and notifies inside staff when an issue has been identified. This article will explain how to create the Quote Monitor Tile.
- User must have Reports access to Reports.
- The Quote Monitor Tile will only consider quotes that:
- Are not expired
- Are in an unknown quote status
- Do not have orders against it
Creating the Tile
1. Navigate to the O4 Home Page.
2. Click the Tiles menu, then select Create from the drop-down list.
4. The Create Tiles page will appear. Click the Quote Monitor tile.
5. The Creating Quote Monitor Tile page will appear. This page is divided into three sections: Visual Details, Data Source, and Filters.
Visual Details
Use this section to define the tile's display information.
1. Enter a display name into the Tile's Display Name field. If you do not enter a display name, the tile will appear as "New Quote Monitor Tile" by default.
2. Select the page where the tile should display using the Tile location drop-down list.
3. To create this tile for other users, enter User IDs into the Create Tile For Other Users field. Skip this step if you are creating this tile for yourself.
4. Check Receive Daily Recap Email to email each user identified in the Create Tile For Other Users field whenever a new quote issue is identified. The tile's detail view will contain all outstanding quote issues.
Data Source
Use this section to define the quote issues that the tile should monitor. Users must check at least one data source.
- Expiring Quotes- scans for quotes in an unknown "As Order" status that will expire in seven days or less.
- MFG Quote Issues- scans for items where the manufacturer quote will expire in seven days or less (MFG Quote Exp Date column in the BOM).
- Check Pricing- scans for parts with invalid pricing, e.g., lower than the lowest price in the active price list for the manufacturer. Note: if dynamic pricing connectivity is available and configured correctly for the respective manufacturer, the tile will trigger dynamic pricing to refresh it.
- Discontinued Items- scans for quoted items that contain a substitution note in the active price list (Sub. Notes column).
- PAT Shipping Issues- scans for items where PAT predicts the ship date after the project's start date.
Use this section to filter the quotes that are displayed in the tile. Filters are not required.
- Quoter- show quotes where the quoter is a specific user
- Workgroups- show quotes created in a specific workgroup
- Min/Max Sell- shows quotes that have a total sell amount that is less than or greater than a specified dollar amount
- Min/Max Level1- shows quotes that have a total Level 1 sell amount that is less than or greater than a specified dollar amount
- Min/Max Level2- shows quotes that have a total Level 2 sell amount that is less than or greater than a specified dollar amount
- Min/Max Level3- shows quotes that have a total Level 3 sell amount that is less than or greater than a specified dollar amount
Once the tile's setup is complete, click . After the tile has been created, it can be edited anytime.
Viewing the Tile
The tile will appear after an initial scan of all active, unknown quotes is completed. The tile will update nightly and display the number of identified quotes containing the issues specified in the setup.
Read more about viewing the Quote Monitor Tile.
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