Users can feature PDF attachments as an O4 Shortcut on the Overview tab of a project in Outside Sales View to allow outside sales staff to access pertinent information, such as a project's fixture schedule. This article will explain how to create and view an O4 Shortcut. Learn more about O4 Projects.
- User must have access to Legacy OASIS.
- User must have Create, View, and Update access to Attachments.
- User must have View and Update access to Projects.
Uploading a PDF Attachment
In order to create an O4 shortcut, a PDF must first be uploaded to the Attachments tab of a project phase. If the attachment is already uploaded, skip to the Modifying a PDF Attachment section.
1. Open a project in Legacy OASIS.
2. On the needed Phase, click the Attachments tab. Learn more about using the Attachments tab in Legacy OASIS.
3. Upload a PDF by clicking or dragging and dropping it into the attachments table.
4. The Edit Attachment window will appear. Make any necessary edits, then click OK.
5. The PDF will appear in the attachment table.
Modifying a PDF Attachment
The O4 PDF Editor allows users to modify PDF pages. While modifying the PDF is not required, users must open the O4 PDF Editor in order to create an O4 shortcut. To skip learning how to make modifications, complete steps 1-2 of this section, then skip to the Creating a PDF Shortcut section.
1. Click the PDF in the attachments table to select it, then click (Edit in O4).
2. The Edit PDF window will appear.
3. Click a page using the section of the left to view and edit it using the section on the right. The page will have a cyan blue border to indicate is it currently being viewed.
4. Use the action buttons in the section on the right to modify the page.
- select highlights on the page
- create highlights on the page
- delete a selected highlight
- zoom in
- zoom out
- modify a selected highlight's properties
- rotate the page left
- rotate the page right
Creating and Modifying Highlights
5. Click , then click and drag the cursor across the page to create a highlight.
6. Click , then click the highlight to select it. The highlight will have dark blue border to indicate that it's been selected.
7. Click to modify the highlight's properties.
8. The Highlight Properties window will appear. Modify the highlight as needed.
- Background- change the color of highlight.
- Transparent- make the highlight transparent (no color).
- Color- change the color of the border.
- Border Width- the width of the border (0 = no border).
- Text- enter text to appear within the highlight.
- Bold- bold the highlight's text.
- Italic- italicize the highlight's text.
- Font- change the font style of the highlight's text.
- Font Size- change the size of the highlight's text.
- Horizontal Alignment- align the text horizontally to the left, center, or right within the highlight.
- Vertical Alignment- align the text vertically to the top, center, or bottom within the highlight.
- 'Remember' font and colors when 'learned'- not functional for the O4 PDF Editor tool.
9. Click Ok to save the highlight properties. Click Set As Default to save the highlight properties as the default highlight each time you create a new highlight.
Adding a Page
10. Drag and drop a PDF into the Drop Here section.
11. The new pages will populate.
Removing a Page
12. Users can remove a page based on whether it is selected or deselected. To select a page, check the Select checkbox.
13. Click Pages, then select an option from the drop-down list.
- Keep Selected- delete any page that does not have the Select checkbox checked
- Removed Selected- delete an page that has the Select checkbox checked
- Remove All Pages- remove all pages regardless of the Select checkbox status
- Restore All Pages - restore all pages that have been previously removed
14. Before moving onto the next section, select or deselect all pages using the Select checkbox. Otherwise, the following pop-up will appear asking you to choose between removing deselected pages (Remove Other Pages) or removing selected pages (Remove Selected Pages) after clicking Save and Close.
Creating an O4 Shortcut
1. Click Save and Close in the Edit PDF window.
2. The Create O4 Shortcuts window will appear.
3. Make changes to the shortcut's name, category, and color as needed. Do not uncheck the Create New Shortcut checkbox.
4. Click Save.
Viewing an O4 Shortcut
O4 Shortcuts will appear on the Overview tab in the Outside Sales View of a project phase. Click to open the PDF in a new tab.
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